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Thread: Ang Pasko Sa Pinas

  1. #1
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Smile Ang Pasko Sa Pinas

    1. Christmas Starts in September!
    The 31st of August is the Eve of Christmas Season (not day) here in the Country.
    And every year, when the clock strikes 12:01 of September 1, you’ll hear radio stations playing Christmas Carols.. signaling the start of the Holiday Season here in the Philippines.
    And you’ll hear some people already greeting each other “Merry Christmas!”
    2. Christmas Parties!!!!
    Christmas Parties are everywhere.
    You have a party at school, faculty; with friends - even online friends; batch mates (which also coincides with your reunion); Company party - Division Party, Department Party; Organization - YFC, CFC; neighborhood association; clan reunion cum Christmas party; and of course, your “party” with your family during Christmas Day.

    3. Pinoy Christmas Food!
    Even the poorest of the poor here in the Philippines sees to it that they have something on their table to celebrate Christmas!
    Those who “can afford” would prepare a feast where the food would usually last for 2 to 3 days!
    4. Christmas Carols!
    You’ll hear a lot of Carolers singing Christmas tunes even if they’re not in tune! hahahhaha
    And during Christmas day, you’ll hear them sing just one line of a Christmas song and say “namamasko po” - asking for some Holiday goodies.
    5. Holiday crowd and traffic
    Holiday season is Peak season for business. So its normal to see flocks and herds of people at the Malls or in Quiapo and Divisoria (where there are lots of Chinese and Muslim traders) doing their Christmas shopping.
    During Christmas time, expect heavy traffic! Why? Coz a lot of inaanaks (God child) would go to their ninong and ninang (God Parents in english - right? - in a wedding, you call them male and female sponsors) to get their holiday gifts!
    I will be spending the Holidays maybe in Davao City together with my family I do hope so

  2. #2
    Respected Member paulgee's Avatar
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    Yes Amy, you are right. Christmas does start in September in the Philippines. My first visit there was in September, and I was astonished to hear carols playing in the malls. I am returning on the 28th of this month for a short visit to my gf, and I suppose it will be even more 'Christmassy' then!

  3. #3
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulgee View Post
    Yes Amy, you are right. Christmas does start in September in the Philippines. My first visit there was in September, and I was astonished to hear carols playing in the malls. I am returning on the 28th of this month for a short visit to my gf, and I suppose it will be even more 'Christmassy' then!

    hmmmmm how cool you will celebrate Christmas here Yea celebrations here is UNIQUE no one beats it hehehee

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