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Thread: Hello everyone....

  1. #1
    Member Rob & Anne's Avatar
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    Hello everyone....


    This is my first post here although I and my husband registered here last year and i think my husband has posted few questions here before. I've been reading post and infos here and following advices and they're very helpful thanks to all of you. Its very heart-warming and amazing how you guys here take time to post and answer q's even for those people whom you really don't know but its very nice of you all.

    My husband is British by the way and i'm a filipina,we are both 26 years of age and had been in a relationship for almost 2 years and 10 mos now. We got married 2 years after we met and had been keeping in touch from the day we met until now. He works as a supervisor in one of the PC world stores in England and as for me I was working for the mayor in our local city but i resigned when i applied for a visit visa last year supposedly to focus on it but unfortunately we were refused.

    I'm on my 9th week and 2 days of waiting for the result of my spouse visa application. This is my second visa application for Uk. My first was a visit visa but was refused and it was a terrible experience for me even traumatic cos now i'm sooo worried about the outcome of my spouse visa. I couldn't eat and sleep well thinkin about it and ive lost weight . Am I the only one here worrying this much? And now im even more worried cos we only submitted 4mos bank statements cos my husband said he read somewhere that its ok to submit 4mos bank statement as long as its the most recent and its all healthy accts. Will my application be affected in a negative way cos we only submitted 4mos bank statement? I know its too late to ask but is there someone here who succeeded with their visa and only submitted 4mos bank statement?

    Thanks so much in advance..

  2. #2
    Respected Member miayela's Avatar
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    Hi dear dont worry too much just relax take it easy im also waiting for my spousal visa result its my 3 weeks of waiting now.. Lets be optimisitic just like what others do here on the forum..Patience is a virtue..

    Lets hope and pray that our visa will be granted..

  3. #3
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    Hi Rob & Ann,good luck to you application.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you could be ok because..

    The ECO should also ensure that when an applicant produces evidence of funds, that they are immediately available. A bank statement should show regular transactions. A statement indicating merely a large deposit but no evidence of normal transactions should be treated with caution. Statements covering at least 3 months should give a satisfactory picture of a person’s financial means.

    but you might be asked to produce the 2 latest ones.. should always give them what they ask for at least 6 months worth, if not your risking refusal or delays

    but if all your other evidence ok, you could be ok

    good luck

  5. #5
    Member Rob & Anne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miayela View Post
    Hi dear dont worry too much just relax take it easy im also waiting for my spousal visa result its my 3 weeks of waiting now.. Lets be optimisitic just like what others do here on the forum..Patience is a virtue..

    Lets hope and pray that our visa will be granted..

    Thank you ate miayela..i wanted to relax but i cant help worrying esp that we didnt submit the exact 6mos bank statements that they asked..huhuhu..its too late now...but anyways,from now on i'll take your advice and try and relax. thanks so much..goodluck to your application too...i hope we'll continue updating about our visa applications here...

  6. #6
    Member Rob & Anne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simplelife View Post
    Hi Rob & Ann,good luck to you application.

    thank you simplelife...

  7. #7
    Member Rob & Anne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you could be ok because..

    The ECO should also ensure that when an applicant produces evidence of funds, that they are immediately available. A bank statement should show regular transactions. A statement indicating merely a large deposit but no evidence of normal transactions should be treated with caution. Statements covering at least 3 months should give a satisfactory picture of a person’s financial means.

    but you might be asked to produce the 2 latest ones.. should always give them what they ask for at least 6 months worth, if not your risking refusal or delays

    but if all your other evidence ok, you could be ok

    good luck

    Thank you so much for this info, yes i told my husband before that its not a good idea sending only 4mos bank statements cos what's written in their website is clearly 6mos but he was in a hurry and couldn't wait for another two months any more,and i am too,we cant wait to be together just like everyone here :( ...I think all other evidence are ok, we've provided everything that they required except for the 6mos bank statement :( Anyways this info made me feel relieved,i hope everything will be ok..thanks so much joebloggs

  8. #8
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    I'm very interested with the outcome of your application, Rob & Anne. Hope u'll get a positive result. Share us the good news when u have it pls? Good luck.

    Mod Joe, i'm still waiting for your reply to my query. No rush though. Thanks.
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  9. #9
    Respected Member jbt's Avatar
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    hi anne and rob....

    goodluck and i wish you'll get the result asap with the good news.

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  10. #10
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Well as Joe posted "a minimum of 3 months" and you have submitted 4 if all else is well I cant see any problems stay positive and
    get to thin or he wont recognise you at the airport

    "A person living in accommodation provided from public funds may provide accommodation sponsorship for an applicant. The sponsor must demonstrate that no additional public funds will be necessary for accommodating the applicant."

    interesting as it would imply that even if you were
    for housing support but on low pay for example you could still have enough income (measured by income support levels for 2 people for example) and the Brit could still claim what they received prior to being joined by their spouse. You would have to pay at least the 25% extra for Council tax though for more than one occupant.

    The level for a couple would
    to be £90.10p as the minimum acceptable income after
    costs although that might
    be aguable
    since some people receive housing
    that is less than 100% and have to make up the difference....
    Absit invidia

    DISCLAIMER: The information hereinabove may or may not be entirely accurate, relevant, forthright, verifiable, or coherent. KeithAngel, who shall herein be refered to as the 'Shining Beacon of Light', reserves the right to neither confirm, deny, justify, explain, or otherwise acknowledge any inquiry in regards to the validity, genuinity, construction, intent, and/or motive of any statements, gestures, and/or actions whether real, imagined, or transdimensional in origin. Further, the 'Shining Beacon of Light' shall be absolved of any and all legal, moral, and financial responsibilities for damages to life, limb, character, reputation, property, and/or business resulting from the usage, assimilation, incorporation, replication, and/or distribution of said statements whether partial, complete, misquoted, or imagined. This disclaimer remains in effect despite any discrepancies or claims as to its legibility, comprehension, interpretation, subliminal suggestiveness, political affiliation, legality, visibility, and/or physical presence

  11. #11
    Member Rob & Anne's Avatar
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    Thank you empott..sure i will absolutely share the result of my application, i am so grateful with this forum and when i get the result i will post it here straight away.. im hoping the result will come out next week 19th of Nov. its the last day of my 10th week from submission and ive read here that mostly got theirs on their 10th week so i hope i will get mine too...

  12. #12
    Member Rob & Anne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbt View Post
    hi anne and rob....

    goodluck and i wish you'll get the result asap with the good news.

    thanks jbt98060; my husband called the british embassy today and they told him they've put our application in the priority list so it can be processed earlier than normal cos my husband sent them an email explaining our situation that he can only travel from 15th nov to 30th nov as his holiday for this year and also to pick me up if the visa is granted, but they said they cant promise it will be very soon but they will try their best, so i feel at ease somehow that they already know our situation.

  13. #13
    Member Rob & Anne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    Well as Joe posted "a minimum of 3 months" and you have submitted 4 if all else is well I cant see any problems stay positive and
    get to thin or he wont recognise you at the airport

    "A person living in accommodation provided from public funds may provide accommodation sponsorship for an applicant. The sponsor must demonstrate that no additional public funds will be necessary for accommodating the applicant."

    interesting as it would imply that even if you were
    for housing support but on low pay for example you could still have enough income (measured by income support levels for 2 people for example) and the Brit could still claim what they received prior to being joined by their spouse. You would have to pay at least the 25% extra for Council tax though for more than one occupant.

    The level for a couple would
    to be £90.10p as the minimum acceptable income after
    costs although that might
    be aguable
    since some people receive housing
    that is less than 100% and have to make up the difference....

    Thanks so much keithAngel for taking the time to write the info, we greatly appreciate it,that made us feel better... I wont get too thin,i'll eat lots from now on..hehehe

  14. #14
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    hi rob and anne goodluck to your application

    how strange is that i am called ann and my husband is rob or robert?

    anyway, hope its a good result for you both

    all the best!

  15. #15
    Member Rob & Anne's Avatar
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    Thanks a bunch Ann! wow what a hubby's given name is Robert too ......yes i hope its a good result,im very nervous now..

  16. #16
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Goodluck on your application waiting for the good news....
    tiger tigress

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  17. #17
    Member Rob & Anne's Avatar
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    thanks tiger@tigress you guys are all friendly here,its nice...

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