Well as Joe posted "a minimum of 3 months" and you have submitted 4 if all else is well I cant see any problems stay positive and
get to thin or he wont recognise you at the airport

"A person living in accommodation provided from public funds may provide accommodation sponsorship for an applicant. The sponsor must demonstrate that no additional public funds will be necessary for accommodating the applicant."

interesting as it would imply that even if you were
for housing support but on low pay for example you could still have enough income (measured by income support levels for 2 people for example) and the Brit could still claim what they received prior to being joined by their spouse. You would have to pay at least the 25% extra for Council tax though for more than one occupant.

The level for a couple would
to be £90.10p as the minimum acceptable income after
costs although that might
be aguable
since some people receive housing
that is less than 100% and have to make up the difference....