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Thread: How Stressful

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  1. #1
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Well done to your sister in law hopefully she can help a familes get justice.

    Tough on her i can well belive but she will be grateful she did it in the future im sure.

    Maybe best to be careful what people mention about the court case unlikely but the scumbag may claim his court cases had been affected while under sub judice.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    tell me about it, i had to give evidence last year, against my old boss in a crown court, as he was involved in major fraud. the worse part is waiting, the months and weeks of waiting until you have to give evidence, then sitting outside the court room minutes seem like hours , only for them to have a break, or its too late to hear your evidence and you have to come back tomorrow

    but once your in the wittness box it's not too bad, as you don't have time to be nervous , wittnesses b4 me were in the wittness box for 10 or 15 mins, i was there for 1 1/2 hrs , 2 defense lawyers and 1 prosecution lawyer asking me questions, one of the defense lawyers trying to make out i was lying . was i happy to get out of there

    not something i would want to do again and the case took more than 5yrs to go to court

  3. #3
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    tell me about it, i had to give evidence last year, against my old boss in a crown court, as he was involved in major fraud. the worse part is waiting, the months and weeks of waiting until you have to give evidence, then sitting outside the court room minutes seem like hours , only for them to have a break, or its too late to hear your evidence and you have to come back tomorrow

    but once your in the witness box it's not too bad, as you don't have time to be nervous , witnesses b4 me were in the witness box for 10 or 15 mins, i was there for 1 1/2 hrs , 2 defense lawyers and 1 prosecution lawyer asking me questions, one of the defense lawyers trying to make out i was lying . was i happy to get out of their

    not something i would want to do again and the case took more than 5yrs to go to court

    If I'm thinking about the situation.. it's so stressful and it can drain you mentally and physically... Thanks for sharing MOD... GOD BLESS YOU

  4. #4
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Well done to your sister in law hopefully she can help a families get justice.

    Tough on her i can well believe but she will be grateful she did it in the future I'm sure.

    Maybe best to be careful what people mention about the court case unlikely but the scumbag may claim his court cases had been affected while under sub judice.
    I hope everything will be fine in the case..

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