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Thread: marriage registration

  1. #1
    Respected Member whiteraven's Avatar
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    marriage registration

    hi good folks. im flying out to manila on tues 18th to get my local cni and was then planning to register the next day in my future wifes city of davao. can you tell me if it is possible to register in manila for a civil mariage in davao? as this would save me one day. and also im getting confused reports from official websites and family friehds about the ten day rule,some people telling us that only working days count and others that saturdays count to including a registry office in davao!!!!! plz help im getting a headache lol.

  2. #2
    Respected Member DaveyWallis's Avatar
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    The application form for the marriage license must be obtained from the local Civil Registrar from the city, town or municipality where the bride habitually resides.

    The 10 days includes Saturdays and Sundays. If it did not include both weekend days we wouldn't have got our license on the day that we did. When we filed our application we asked the staff at city Hall and they confirmed that both days are included.


  3. #3
    Respected Member whiteraven's Avatar
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    thanks for that,took some wait off my regards ian and maria.

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    If treated politely and well. Registrars in phill from what i read do seem to be more flexible and thats not talking about money passing hands.

    Could proof of the cni be faxed over, with the paperwork completed awaiting the confirmation of the CNI?

    Always worth asking i guess?

  5. #5
    Respected Member whiteraven's Avatar
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    thanks,i will look into that.

  6. #6
    Respected Member DaveyWallis's Avatar
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    Could proof of the cni be faxed over, with the paperwork completed awaiting the confirmation of the CNI?
    Nice thought to speed things up but you need to fill in documents at City Hall in duplicate and hand over the fee as well as having all the documentation in place before they will process it and display the application on their noticeboard.

    I'm really sorry to bring this up Ian but please remember to take the Death Cert of your late wife with you when you get the CNI from the British Embassy. I'd hate for your plans to fall through over this technicality. I mentioned on another post how I saw 2 distraught applicants refused the CNI because they didn't have every piece of necessary documentation in place.


  7. #7
    Respected Member whiteraven's Avatar
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    thanks andy i already have that with any other documents i can possibly think of even if i wont need them.

  8. #8
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    Hi there, I just returned from Davao on the 26th. I took with me the non impediment form from my local registry office, on arrival at Davao, I was told that either the form has to be processed in the british commission in Cebu, or sent to the embassy which is now moved to Taguig in Luzon. You must send colour photocopies of your passport and specifically the visa page too. Your sweetheart has to send her CNMAR with yours too. *BOTH* your non impediment and her CNMAR MUST be originals. Also need original birth certificate. As regards to getting a non impediment form on the day, I'm not sure you can, from what I was told chatting to the embassy on the phone, you need 20 days I think from entering the country.

    I didn't bother sending the form to Cebu, mainly as the commisioner was really busy and I was pushed for time. I sent everything by courier to Taguig and it took about 5 working days to return to me. I even managed to get baptised and we were married in St paul's Matina on Monday the 24th November, just 2 days before we left!! I was in Mindinao for 6 weeks, and because I had already left when the Non impediment form was available at my local registry office, I had to get my neighbour to pick it up and send it. guaranteed parcelforce international 3 days!!! My ****!!! Took 9 days lol!!!

    Oh, and if you are thinking of getting platinum wedding rings, forget Davao, they can get platinum, just takes 4 months!!!

    Good luck bud.

  9. #9
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadWelsh View Post
    As regards to getting a non impediment form on the day, I'm not sure you can, from what I was told chatting to the embassy on the phone, you need 20 days I think from entering the country.
    This is patently untrue .. many here have received their's on the day.

    Arthur Little received his a week ago, less than a week after he arrived.

    I suspect that there was a misunderstanding in your chat with the embassy. If you don't bring a CNI from a registrar in UK, then there will be a delay in issuing the document in Phils.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    This is patently untrue .. many here have received their's on the day.

    Arthur Little received his a week ago, less than a week after he arrived.

    I suspect that there was a misunderstanding in your chat with the embassy. If you don't bring a CNI from a registrar in UK, then there will be a delay in issuing the document in Phils.
    i agree, u can get it only for a day if u already have ur CNI in hand from UK they will just exchange it... if not then u have to apply a CNI in British Embassy and will get it for 20 days...

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiteraven View Post
    im flying out to manila on tues 18th to get my local cni and was then planning to register the next day in my future wifes city of davao.
    patently untrue? Misunderstanding? I figured by him saying LOCAL cni, he meant he wanted one issuing from the embassy in Luzon, not that he was taking one with him. Well that's what I assumed from him using the sentence I have quoted. If I am mistaken, sorry, however, I think he plans on getting his cni from the embassy. Also, regards to using a fax or scan of the original CNI, it's a no- go, they have to be the originals. I did however manage to get the marriage licence started by showing the scanned document, so by the time it was ready, the original form had been processed in Luzon and sent back

  12. #12
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadWelsh View Post
    I figured by him saying LOCAL cni, he meant he wanted one issuing from the embassy in Luzon, not that he was taking one with him.
    Okay - I assumed the opposite ... that he was traveling to Davao via Manila in order to convert his UK-issued CNI for the Philippines equivalent.

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