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i'm sorry but i guess im numb,this fighting has been going on since we got bck from our honeymoon (july2). my marriage is indeed on the rocks pete. and i sensed this months ago. when i returned from ph my wife made zero effort to contact me. she said her internet connection was not paid,i know it was because i paid it while i was there! or at least gave her the money to pay the bill. at this time i discovered this very site while searching for info about the visa application. i posted a question on this matter. during this time my wife even refused to walk 5 mins to an internet cafe so of course ive been worried since late july untill now. the timeline is as follows,we met in late may 05 and i went to meet her in makati dec-feb, and then went bck in june and we married june 21(midsummers day). i arrived bck in the uk july 24.
pete i really do want advise thats why i posted my concerns, what i want most is my loving wife rea bck to her old self again,her change in attitude might well be something i'm doing or not doing? but i do know hatred and cruelty and boy is she putting me through the mill. we've had blazing ugly fights where ive questioned her about her past,does she have a philipino bf ,is she playing me ect.. i've basically asked her most of the things you mentioned.
how hard can i push her on this scamming issue? wot happens if she is genuine but just scared of the the move to the uk? i dont want to break her heart.....but she is breaking mine and i think she knows that too.
i'm selling my car to finance a visit, i will be there to submit her visa application with her....thats all i can do.i can only pray that she is really true to me.