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i'm phycologically prepared to to face the torment of never finding out the truth of wot has become of our relationship. in a sense thats worse than discovering that she has had a filipino bf all the while or cyber lover or was a scammer from the start. but if this is genuinely the end of the road then i would just rather excuse her with the possibility that she has simply fallen out of love with me. perhaps in her mind she needs this hatred of me to break free....who knows?
i beleive that love is akin to madness at times and mistakes are easily made. i certainly dont feel that i have made a mistake by marrying her. i've never been naive enough to believe that my wife is some sort of "cybervirgin" and i've always smilled to myself when she would promote in herself the things that she beleived western guys like in an asian girl (submissive,conservative blah,blah,blah...),whilst being coy about the implications of her being the eldest daughter,with a son ect...i see this as natural,to promote one's "best side" and downplay any percieved negatives.
in trying to understand my wifes recent behavior i think back to the week we spent at her family home in bislig,mindanao. the wedding had already been arranged and was only a week away. we were discussing our relationship and how our plans were coming together so smothely and we both confessed to each other that our greatest fear since we met was being taken for a fool. the truth is both of us conceived that the bubble could burst i guess,she even believed in her heart of hearts that after my first visit she would never see me again,that i would simply vanish into obscurity. i confessed too that i even had a contingincy plan in the event that she was'nt there to meet me at the airport...(cold feet) when i came to marry her in june. this sounds like a fundamental trust was lacking between us but i'd like to beleive that it was two minds aware of the sometimes fickle,fantasy led nature of a lot of cyber relationships where people do promise each other the world but dont deliver.in this context our marriage was like the world had been lifted from our shoulders. the commitment for life was in our hearts we could both feel that. and yes the honeymoon in boracay was heavenly bliss.
its natural for me to defend my wifes recent behavoir,i dont understand it but our relationship is very deep and well beyond the short time it has existed. let me just say this,for a girl aged 16 to arrive in manila from "the jungle" as she refers to her home town,to survive all these years outside of her family circle,being the eldest daughter(main bread winner),falling preggy and having a son to support,working in malaysia in crappy jobs ect,ect..maybe having her heart broken in a previous relationship online or otherwise, could it be possible that she is going through a massive emotional event that even she cannot understand? a sort of releif that she can for the first time in her life see the light at the end of the tunnel,that she does in fact have "a way out".....or am i just in love and think the sun shines out of her ass?
obviously my life has completly changed(for the better) since i met rea. yes i've sacrificed my social life to be with her online and yes ive sacrificed the job i loved to spend the months with her in ph. but moneywise ive sent her very little.