Remee_ Milano

she sounds bilmoko di ba !

and Angelbird, you seem to have ignored my advice to spell out your timeline in your relationship, do you want help ? or is something else going on that you havent told us, you dont seem distraught enough, over your wife's alledged behaviour, if it was Rob, or Keith or John or Me, trust me, we would be all trying to get to the bottom of it, if your wife is behaving like this now, its unlikely you are going for a visa are you ? I would have said, your next stop is the Family Court !, ( i.e. Divorce court), can I ask you ! are you trolling our site, cos you dont seem to me like a guy whose marriage is on the rocks, your light hearted posts, are not convincing me, I may be wrong
but I have a feeling about you as well.

Oh well as always Pete tells it as it is...