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Thread: marriage on the rocks!!!

  1. #61
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    I would give this motion a third.

    The facts listed could apply whether or not she has another bf (pinoy or farang).

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb
    There probably is a lot more to come Will, however, think about it, ok she is being abusive, but it seems she does not want to come ! I think she does want to stay in Phils and get allowances, some do that, I know of one couple who lives like that, but who knows whats in her mind, only she does, there is only 2 evidenced based facts that comes out of this story.

    1. She wants money

    2. She doesnt want to come to UK.

    Put those 2 facts of evidence together, and what conclusion can you draw, its this, she wants to stay in Phils and receive money,

    I cant agree.If we read all that Angelbird has written then it also a fact that she is treating him worse than an enemy and this is her husband.So she probably married him because thats what he really wanted.What will tell us everything is rea,s history.Of course she wants money.who doesnt?She doesnt want to come to the u.k now but most likely she did at one time.When it comes to the money issue she is no different from any of my girlfriends/wives.They were generally nice to me though.She is biting the hand that feeds her and thats the one i cant work out.Angelbird has gone missing.Who will give me 6 to 4 that shes on the way to r.p?(Allright Keith 11 to 8)

  3. #63
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    wassat in decimal odds

  4. #64
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by willieboy
    Who will give me 6 to 4 that shes on the way to r.p?(Allright Keith 11 to 8)
    RP - Racing Post

    I'd offer 4/5 each of two;
    It ends happily
    It doesn't
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #65
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    What a terrible mess this guy's in. I really feel sorry for him. and because of that I find it strange that people can joke about the situation.
    I have met 100's of genuine Filipinas, and NONE would behave in this way!
    Or even approaching this behaviour. Angelbird, it's up to you how much you want to take of this, but each time your self esteem will get lower.
    The clean cut heals quicker. If you keep picking away at a wound it will fester! I sincerely hope you resolve this sooner rather than later.
    PS, please don't let this put you off Filipinas. There are plentyof genuine, sincere , loving females out there and you are still young.
    Please don't settle for second best again, think positive. Good luck.
    Tommy and Lyn.

  6. #66
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    sorry to hear that

    im so sorry to hear that unfortunetly there are some women who just look for men on sites to marry as a quick way to get to London im filipino myself but born here in London and this is not the first ive heard of this. For your own sake do not send her anymore money till you see & feel a difference. That little voice you hear sometimes in your head dont ignore it thats the advise i can give you. @ the end of the day its only you who can make the decsion. If you need someone to talk to just buzz me on this takecare of yourself x

  7. #67
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    This is a very sad and sorrowful situation and could put some men off having relationships with filipinas period!! Having said that,some girls here in the Uk are far worse,and the same applies to every nation and creed.Divorce here in the UK is at an all time high,and its easy too see why as good old fashioned morals are in decline,and adultery is at an all time high ,as is the craving for wealth and self ego/ importance.I feel so so sorry for you ,yes theres terrible poverty in the Philippines and many other parts of the world,and no one can blame many for wanting a better and more secure life here in the Uk and elsewhere,but i think this girl has treat you like a doormat and shabby is an understatement,and im truly sorry for you as any other decent person would be.I hope your heart can heal ,it will take time,and just take a day at a time ,and please try not to judge every filipina girl the same,because there are so many who are so kind and sweet and truly so loving and caring.I would be devastated having gone what you have been through,but please others care,,,and its an old saying but as one door closes another opens,and time is the healer for most of lifes heartaches.I hope you can find peace and happiness as time passes ,and meet the girl who will give you the love and respect you deserve .
    Jeff n Maria.
    Ps ,there is a massive social decline here in the UK,and is it any wonder that many dont want to move over here,the inner citys are very unsafe.Its not Great Brittain any more,its a jungle,and a very frightening one.

  8. #68
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    If there is a problem there is a cause...
    In your case, I think you are really in a mess, if you don't put things on it's right way then most probably you will end up in a very stressful and painful situation. Like most of the members have already said here, her actions is not likely of a person who is inlove. Get it sort out as soon as you can, and sorry to ask you, you married a girl without even knowing her past?
    Now that is too late to be answered. Clean the mess and make her realize that you are not a stupid white man.
    No one is to blame but yourself...

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  9. #69
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Thread date Sept 06!!!!
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Thread date Sept 06!!!!


  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Thread date Sept 06!!!!
    mm ,well i hope everything is ok now ,has anyone heard??

  12. #72
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Thread date Sept 06!!!!
    Where is angelbird now? I feel sad for him...
    The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl

  13. #73
    Respected Member allyn's Avatar
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    hi there!!! im sorry for whats goin on with your marriage....
    i just want to share a piece of my thoughts

    me and my husband just got married last march,,,before and after our wedding we already have some nasty arguments but it doesnt stop our wedding,,,he still marry me (lucky me )

    when we were able to sit down and talk about things ,,,he told me that im not the desame girl he went and visit in hongkong,,,the friendly,,happy, smiley worry free girl.......he also told me that he understand what happen to me....because after i lost my job in hongkong i became irritable, sensitive and i became more cry baby than before but he said he still love me,,,,
    i admit...i totally change.....because i have responsibility and i had family issue....make me explode and gramble for a single problem that came.....
    My husband support me emotionaly and financialy on what ever or where ever ago... even before and after we got married...
    after he went back to uk we keep in touch throu emails,,,calls and ym chats....even tho most of the time my computer hang up on the time we are chatting,,,it was able to survive until i was able to print some of our ym converstion....

    being alone back here in the philippines with family issue is not a happy moments...makes me depress all the time,,,i hate it when i argue with my husband online because i know im not being fare to him by giving him worries and depression....i feel bad when i do that..i love my husband so much and sometime he think that he is not doing enough because im getting depress everyday( wich is not true,,,because he did every thing for me...and i love him so much and appreciate all he do)...i miss him so bad and domestic problem in our house makes me depress and sensitive all the time....

    reading your letter makes me feel bad,,,i suddently ask my self if im a scam?...
    i dont have job,,,and since i lost my job he is been the one supporting me, he is not rich, but he tried so hard to support me in anyway that he can,,,an i appreciate it so much...
    i hope my husband doesnt feel desame the way that you do to your wife....
    i hope your wife will realize how much she is hurting you....
    and i hope you two will be able to fix your problem soon...

    good luck

  14. #74
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    hi, back from the abyss.....

    well, she's now here in the uk and (we) are 12 weeks preggy!!!

    the problem was this ...... after we got married she believed/expected that we would simpy apply for a spousal visa and start our new life here in the uk. i dragged my feet (waiting for the right time) and made her look like a *$^" in front of her friends and family (or so she thought).

    i submitted the application for her visa shortly after my last post and was convinced it would fail (negative&paranoid lol) but it was given the green light and now we can laugh at those bad times (i did spank her **** hard thou on our first night in the uk).

    i love her for who she is and she loves me for who i am. thank christ we sensed something in each other that was real otherwise the strain of the visa app would of ripped us apart for sure...

    now my wife is lonely and bored. hmmmm "wot to do"?

  15. #75
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Congrats on the news both visa and little one.

    I think a lot of phills find it hard to comprenhend how long it takes for the visa application to process. Its much harder i think for a phill as they even if they win the lottery can't just fly over to see their mahal on a whim.

    Thats why it is important to try and ask your phill partner to join up or at least read sites like these to actually find out how long it takes not hear about the lady who knows the balut salemans who 20 years ao went to the UK the day after getting married, or has a cousin who went to some other country where the visa process is different for whatever reason.

    Angelbird maybe worth stating where you are based and ask the missus to come on here and speak to others in a similar situation.

    Looking for a job might be out of the question at the moment with the little one on the way. But study is not and will help.

    Also she needs to compile the file for ilr with all the evidence and get everything prepared for the baby.

    Great to hear things turned out ok

  16. #76
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    Nice one! a happy ending! - Its good to hear everything is sorted and you are both ok now. have a wonderful life together and please appreciate what you have. mark

  17. #77
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Big sigh! Glad it all went well in the end...I can relate to what she felt too...came back from London October of last year, didn't waste a day and had to see my Lawyer. Got the annulment process rolling and had positive decision in just 5 months. Did the leg work and had all the documents in my hands & beating the records. I thought that was it. So excited to file the visa application but to my disappointment Trev hasn't got his documents sorted out (that was what I believe as he wasn't telling me what was really lacking). I thought he was tarrying and I even thought he kind of lost interest on me. I was really like so I phoned him early morning 5am, 12noon my end. "Honey, I need more sleep, can we go online in 3 hours time?". I hang up, need to think. Phoned him again and this time I did not allow him to say even a single word, I blurted out, "Ok, let's just finish all my phone credit, after this don't look for me online later or ever again. I'll throw the laptop outside the window and my mobile phone," and he was saying," no, no, am jumping off of bed and be there straight-away, pls don't do that". I wasn't bluffing, I felt so tired and shaking and I meant what I said if he didn't come and talk to me online. He explained to me he was still waiting for his bank account to look healthy which I understand. Have submitted the application and just waiting for the result. That's my story guys...I know how your lady felt and sometimes you do say stupid things when you are stressed out (especially when it's about the visa). Annielyn and Joy and the rest of the ladies here understands that too. Sorry for the long post Admin.
    The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl

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