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Thread: Kinilaw

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  1. #1
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Kinilaw

    Kinilaw means to “cook” in vinegar. It’s not really cooking since there is no heat involved. But soaking fish or some other seafood in a strong vinegar solution turns the meat opaque and gives it a texture of having been cooked. Why do Filipinos love curing fish and meat? Specifically, with the use of vinegar? Hence, they are used in many of our traditional dishes like adobo, tapa and kinilaw.

    There are a variety of fish that can be used for making kinilaw. Tuna, tangigue or tanigue (sea bass), talakitok (cavalla) and lapu-lapu (grouper) are only some of them. I used yellow fin tuna for my kinilaw.

    Ingredients: (for 6 people)

    • 1 kilo fish
    • 1/2 cup vinegar
    • 1 medium onion (it depends how many you want)
    • 1 medium ginger
    • 5 pieces lemon
    • Salt
    • cucumber or radish


    1. First, you have to clean and cut fish and put it into a bowl.
    2. Pour the vinegar into the bowl.
    3. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze it.
    4. Put the sliced onion, ginger, cucumber or radish and salt to taste in the bowl.
    5. Leave it out for one hour in the refrigerator before you eat it. Or you can eat it if you want hehehe

    hmmmm yummy.. can't wait to make it this coming weekend
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