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Thread: fiancee/spousal??

  1. #1
    Respected Member Jem's Avatar
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    Ok, maybe im getting a little confused.. so hopefully some of you can help enlighten me!

    So.. if your fiancee visa is accepted you get married within 6 months and then you have to return to the Philippines and apply for a spousal visa??

    Can you get married in Phil. and then just apply for spousal visa straight off?

    Does anyone know how we would go about getting married in another country i.e USA, Canada or somewhere like Cyprus? Or does this just complicate things??

    Thanks in advance for your help!!

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
    Ok, maybe im getting a little confused.. so hopefully some of you can help enlighten me!

    Will give it a go maam

    So.. if your fiancee visa is accepted you get married within 6 months and then you have to return to the Philippines and apply for a spousal visa??

    nope once your married on Fiancee visa you then need to apply for FLR while in the UK. Very easy im told have a serach you will see many have done it and had no problems.

    Can you get married in Phil. and then just apply for spousal visa straight off?
    Well you have to sort all the paperwork but yes and it takes a while for the application to be processed

    Does anyone know how we would go about getting married in another country i.e USA, Canada or somewhere like Cyprus? Or does this just complicate things??

    Depends on the two of you. But in general if your hubby a typical Brit and you a typical Phill its easier for most to either marry and apply or apply for a finacee and marry here

    Thanks in advance for your help!!
    The pleasure is all mine maam, have a good evening/early morning in Phill

  3. #3
    Respected Member Jem's Avatar
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    Im the brit, and not very typical.. always wanted to get married somewhere tropical.. at least on a beach! And he, from the phil. doesnt really have much of an opinion, just wants whatever im happy with.

    So from this i would expect that its probably easier for us to go down the route of the fiancee visa...

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
    Im the brit, and not very typical.. always wanted to get married somewhere tropical.. at least on a beach! And he, from the phil. doesnt really have much of an opinion, just wants whatever im happy with.

    So from this i would expect that its probably easier for us to go down the route of the fiancee visa...
    If you want to get married on a beach then isn't get married in the Philippines your easiest option? Then obviously going straight for a spousal visa.

    The first thing you would have to overcome with getting married somewhere like the US or Canada is your fiance would need to get a visa to travel there. Getting a tourist visa to travel to US or Canada may be a problem for a filipino still in the Philippines or in the UK with only a short term visa.

  5. #5
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    I would have thought that it was easier to get married on a tropical beach in Phils. I think that the processing time for a fiance and a spouse visa is very similar, with the benefit that the spouse visa is less likely to be refused.

    Did I mention that our rates are very reasonable for the use of our palm-lined white sand beach?

  6. #6
    Respected Member Fountainhead's Avatar
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    Ignoring getting married in another country other than UK or Philippines, because I know very little about how you would go about that, the two options are :-

    Fiancee Visa - Your fiancee would have to apply in Phils with you as the sponsor. If visa is granted it would be for six months and you would have to get married before it expires and your fiancee would not be able to work here during that period. After you marry you will have to apply for Further Leave To Remain (FLR) which will give your husband permission to stay in UK for a further two years during which he will be able to work. Towards the end of that two year period your husband will then need to take and pass the Life In UK test and apply for Indefinite Leave To Remain (ILR) which will enable him to stay here permanantly.

    Spouse Visa - Basically the same as above except the visa would be for a period of two years and would take away the need to apply for FLR and means your husband could work here as soon as he arrives.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Fountainhead's Avatar
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    And obviously with spouse visa you would have to get married in the Philippines before you applied for that.

  8. #8
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Fountainhead View Post
    Ignoring getting married in another country other than UK or Philippines, because I know very little about how you would go about that, the two options are :-

    Fiancee Visa - Your fiancee would have to apply in Phils with you as the sponsor. If visa is granted it would be for six months and you would have to get married before it expires and your fiancee would not be able to work here during that period. After you marry you will have to apply for Further Leave To Remain (FLR) which will give your husband permission to stay in UK for a further two years during which he will be able to work. Towards the end of that two year period your husband will then need to take and pass the Life In UK test and apply for Indefinite Leave To Remain (ILR) which will enable him to stay here permanantly.

    Spouse Visa - Basically the same as above except the visa would be for a period of two years and would take away the need to apply for FLR and means your husband could work here as soon as he arrives.

    well done!!!

    choose.. UK or PI? PI is less expensive & as they have said... you will be skipping 1 process, that is the Fiancee visa!

    Good luck in making your decisions. Take care

  9. #9
    Respected Member Jem's Avatar
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    eek! So many decisions... now im looking into us getting married in Thailand next year. Then that would mean we would go for the spousal visa.
    Is one visa more successful than the other do you think?

    Thanks for the help!!

  10. #10
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Neither as far as i know is more sucessful but there are pros and cons to both.

    I think the spouse visa although takes a little more time to sort in phill means you should spend less time sorting things once together once in the UK

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