Hi I am Filipina and I’m 34 years old and I have been married before. I have children from my previous marriage. I filed annulment and I’m now waiting for the decree absolute.
. I have a British fiancé and we been in a relationships for four years now. He came to the Philippines 7 times and we lived together in England this year where I used a visitor visa. My fiancé is single and never been married and he is 10 years older than me.
When we are not rowing he is so sweet, caring and loving. He gave me monthly allowance to send money to my children back home. I would say that in that long period of time in our relationships, like other couples we have ups and downs, but we are happy together over all.
I just came back here to the Philippines to get all the papers sorted out regarding my annulment and my future fiancée visa application.
We agreed that we are going to get married next year as soon as I get my visa and we will live together in England.
The problem is; I can not bring my children with me because he said, he can not afford to support us all with his average income and he got only one bedroom house. I know his financial status ever since.
I was hoping that in the future if I can get a proper job after we get married I would be able to support my children here in the Philippines. I know this is not acceptable to most people that how can a mother left her children to live with her man abroad. It always hurt me to think that I can not bring them with me to the UK. But if I stay here in the Philippines I would not be able to send them to school and at my age now, the chance to get employed is small so the other option for me is to work abroad. My children are in secondary school now and been look after by my parents when I’m not here.
I’ve been dreaming to have a happy family, but I know from the start that it would be impossible to happen as he always says that the cost of living in the UK is very expensive. I know I have a big part to blame that even I know he is not really interested to get me and my kids all together with him in the UK I still let the relationship continue until we reach to this point.
Two weeks ago, he planned to come here for a one- week holiday so that we can have a family time together. He even asked me if my son would love to have a table football game. It was all alright. We chat every morning and exchange emails several times a day.
But before he book his flight we had a row and all plans ruined, means he will not be coming here. Then we made –up again after we both realized our mistakes, but still he can not come anymore, all the cheapest flights gone, he said.
From then on, he never goes online in the evening (uk time), but he send me short emails when he is at work.
I accepted his reason that he is very tired at night at did not want to switch on the computer. I must admit that I’m fighting the feeling of insecurity, but one time I had a go to him that maybe the reason why he is not online because he is messing around again. He once admitted to me that he went to see someone else last year, that was before we live together, but he said that was nothing, he said he was just down and lonely that’s why he went to see other woman. I forgave him for that mistake and gave him a second chance and I know he did not do it anymore, as I never notice any unfaithfulness behaviors when were together. But every time we have a row, I always worry that he will do it again. I know I have to trust him, and I try not to entertain any negative thoughts about him.
Lately we had a big arguments because he was blaming me that I gave up my job here that now I am unemployed and he is the one who support us financially. I feel so bad about myself that I have to depend on him, but I tried to find job here but I have no success. He sends me a couple of hundred pounds a month.
He knows that when I have my job before I go to UK I did not ask him for financial help. I just feel so bad that after all I have done to him, I gave up my job here last year and I left my children and we lived together, he keeps blaming things on me that I should not give up my job, that if he did not spent money on me he could be able to get a brand new car and etc etc…He is so upset that he lost so much money in his investment because of the stock market fell. He told me today that what he wants for his life is to travel and to travel. I know he is upset because since we live together he could not be able to travel.
Now, with the financial crisis going on in the world’s economy he is worried that with his financial status, he seems to prefer to let me go.
It is hurt, he told me that, he is willing to help me to get on my feet back again and all I have to do is to tell him how he can help me.
I just can not believe it, after those years we tried to make this work he is just going to send me away.
I am so upset, I love him very much and I do not want to lose him, but I love my children, too.
I do not know what to do now.
Please enlighten me, any opinion, advice and reply will be appreciated.
Thank you very much.