Originally posted by andypaul@Jul 9 2005, 03:35 PM
Hi Peter David

Found your post most useful, some points especially.

Just one point I wish to ask you if i may? You say to get a Cenomar, even if you get Married in the Phillipines?

I can see why it the British Embassy might want to see this information. I don't think we have this certificate (I would need to check with My wife but she is at present asleep)

Is it easy to obtain this certificate once Married?

Would make sense like you say to obtain a copy to add to the Edvidence.
I hope yourself or someone can advise Me.
Yes, very easy to get one. There are only 4 options at the NSO, birth cert, death cert, marriage cert and this cenomar thing. You don't need to submit it as evidence as part of your application, it's more something to put your own mind at rest really, just so you know exactly what the NSO will say to the Embassy if they ask (the Embassy doesn't get anything different to what we do, Philippine arrogance doesn't allow the British Embassy any privileges, they even make some Embassy oik go along and queue in the heat for hours like everyone else, snigger). Being the Philippines, you can't always rely on their official documentation, you never know if some unscrupulous family member has gone and married in your wife's name before and stuffed things up, or something like that. A british embassy official told me he's seen that countless times. Getting one in advance, for your own records, just puts your mind at rest that no nasty Philippine errors are going to come along and spoil things. But you don't need to submit it as part of the application - just hold it in reserve if ever needed (unlikely).

I'm not sure whether philippine authorities are supposed to require one for the filipina before they snatch the money out of your hand and marry you (because even if they are, it sure wouldn't stop them marrying you anyway). You don't actually need to get one, but it's just an extra piece of paper saying there is no problems with your wife's past (Embassy people are very suspicious of filipinas and their motives for marrying British people).

On requesting the cenomar, you also state the dates you want it cover - therefore just specify the dates as being from your wife's 16th birthday until the day before you got married. It should then come back saying there is no record of marriage for these dates, meaning there's no problem. And if there is a problem, it gives you time to "fix" it before submitting the application - cos once the Embassy sees it, you're no longer able to "fix" it the Philippine way. If you catch my drift.