Hi,Originally posted by admin@Sep 24 2005, 08:03 AM
You need a letter explaining your work & wages from your employer.
Contact the bank & ask for a letter concerning your mortage. They probably charge for this, but it does look more official.
Get a few quid in the bank first, you need to prove you have 'excess' to support the wife.
You can always blag the bank for a £2000 add-on to your mortgage (for a kitchen rebuild!!!!, and just put it in your account, explain it appearing on your statement as cash you had in your home safe!
In all honesty, you should have;
a) had all this sorted before planning the wedding &
B) Had contact with the IND to ensure you have everyting in order before arranging the wedding. Now it looks as though you've been going behind their back, and they won't be happy.
thanks for the info.When i first asked my girlfriend to marry me back in May i suppose like some guys i had some info on what was ahead of me but as time has went on i am starting to realise some of what you guys already know.Since i put this post on i have now got a job but it does not start until i come back from the wedding in December which means i will not have two full months wage slips until the end of march as December will at the most only be a week or two of work.Is there no way around this like sending them a letter of confirmation of my new job and what i will be getting each year?
I also think by the time i get the wedding over i might only be in the red by about £500, would this go against me also.
So i will have my own house, a new job and a bank balance of what i have said so should i wait for a while or just apply soon after the wedding.
Having to wait much longer before even applying would be difficult but i do not want to waste time sending all the info in just to be rejected.