Hello...I'm new contributing to this forum although i have perused various posting over the past few months...i guess I have, like the rest of you lost my heart to a beautiful filipina from Gn San. I met her on a christian website over a year ago and made my first trip in August of this year and plan to go back in December for a month. I am sending all the required documentation via courier (as I want them to arrive) tomorrow so that my love can return with me in January for her first visit.
I must admit that I never set out to meet anyone from the Phils; I met several women on line but the one that caught my attention and captured my heart was this special lady.
I have, after much courting finally had my wedding proposal accepted. In my case their was a small matter of my being divorced to contend with. Her family and a few friends were unimpressed by that. Nevertheless, my love, faith, consistency, atypical tenacity and my mahal's affections for me have won through.
Anyway, I just wanted to add to the discussion on 'Evidence of relationships'. I have a lever arch file which I established pretty much at the beginning of our communication contaning the following sections (I have not entered everything yet hence their being only 1 folder at this time):
Christian website messages
emails from my mahal
Emails to my mahal
Text messages to my mahal
Text messages from my mahal
Yahoo chat transcripts
Chikka text transcripts
Fortunately, sites like yours informed me to prepare so I hvae kept all 200 calling cards, plane and SuperFerry tickets and stubs. My mahal and i took over 100 photos in Manila, Cebu and Gen San with family, friends and of various locations.
Perhaps i'm overly optimistic bt i believe the various visa processes should be smooth sailing as long as you prepare and have all the items the Government authorities require in order.
I shall keep you guys abreast of developments!
I wish you all continued favour regarding your own situations!
Oh and thanks for setting this site up!