I may have mentioned this, but when Elsa got the email telling her to return to the Embassy to collect the visa, the email was signed Mr Lewin. I was under the impression it was a Mr Jack Lewin :lol: :blink:Originally posted by ginapeterb@Oct 10 2005, 08:39 PM
Jacquleine Lewin British Embassy Manila Entry Clearance Manager " Failed to get her BA in Charm" needs to go back to school and learn how to be nice .......
Oh yeah, the Embassy still have my bank statements and payslips from last year despite repeated requests for them to send them on to me....I feel another visit is on the cards to our Embassy in the next few weeks when Elsa and I will be over there...any tips on how to get into the Embassy Pete? :lol:Is there a secret code all these "door staff" understand that allow access without hinderance?!!