Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
WE BOUGHT SEABASS IN ASDA for £3 the other night and when I tasted it, I said... Hmmm it tastes familiar.... Not knowing it's TANGUIGUE!!!! (Poor me, I did not go fish shopping when I was in the PI... so I did not know what's the name!)

Also, another recipe:
Preheat oven 180C
Slice the Seabass (accdg to your preference or leave it whole)
Seasoned with Salt, Pepper and you can add chilli on top to add an extra kick
Foil wrapped the fish
Add knob of butter on top and parsely (usually free when you buy in Asda)

Bake for 8-10mins...

Serve with steamed rice or fat chips or veggies!

wow.. thats nice to know SEA bASS is TANIGUE?
kinilaw na tanigue is one of my favorite..

thanks for the info...