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Thread: Philippines Customs

  1. #1
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Philippines Customs

    I just wondered if anyone else has had duty charged on letters, greetings cards or document packages etc, which are clearly marked as such and are also marked, Value = Nil. I usually send by "Royal Mail International Signed For" and each time I have sent anything to my now wife, who lives in Damilag, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon, when she has gone to collect it at Manolo she has been charged duty of various amounts ranging from P35 to P120. Does anyone know if these are genuine charges or just some sort of scam run by the local postmaster in her district.

  2. #2
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby
    I just wondered if anyone else has had duty charged on letters, greetings cards or document packages etc, which are clearly marked as such and are also marked, Value = Nil. I usually send by "Royal Mail International Signed For" and each time I have sent anything to my now wife, who lives in Damilag, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon, when she has gone to collect it at Manolo she has been charged duty of various amounts ranging from P35 to P120. Does anyone know if these are genuine charges or just some sort of scam run by the local postmaster in her district.
    Last year, it was december my fiance sends me a parcel (3 cards,1 bracelet) through DHL and when the delivery man delivered it to my home they ask me for a charge of 250 pesos,customs in manila ask for it and though the guy even gave me a receipt. i guess thats what they do now! but when it comes to postal service i guess they wont ask any charge only when your using courier.especially if your sending jewelries and (packages).
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby
    I just wondered if anyone else has had duty charged on letters, greetings cards or document packages etc, which are clearly marked as such and are also marked, Value = Nil. I usually send by "Royal Mail International Signed For" and each time I have sent anything to my now wife, who lives in Damilag, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon, when she has gone to collect it at Manolo she has been charged duty of various amounts ranging from P35 to P120. Does anyone know if these are genuine charges or just some sort of scam run by the local postmaster in her district.

    For as long as she gets a receipt, then it is a genuine charge for the item. My fiance mailed me a couple of books via the Royal Mail (customs charged me P85-P250 depending on the book) and a box of over the counter painkillers (charged me P35). One time, he sent me some back issues of the new scientist magazines (about 7Kg), the customs asked for P15000. I had to pay that amount just to claim it. After a lot of complaining, I was told that I was scammed since the guy at customs did not issue a receipt. The amount to be payed largely depends on the man at customs assessing the package. If he thinks it is of no value, you pay P35 then.

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