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Thread: Hello!at last I 'm a member

  1. #1
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    Hello!at last I 'm a member

    Hello Everyone,

    At long last I am now a member of this forum. Me and my Filipina GF (soon to be wife) always visit this site as it is very entertaining and useful.

    So as everyone who goes to this site got some problems, well I got one hell of a lot. My first query is (pls someone help us) my GF's visa is expiring soon. I want to marry her but the question is where? I want it to be the perfect wedding ever and I want it in the Phil but will it makes a difference if I marry her here in England?

    We really want to know the options.

    All we know is that if we marry in Phil, then we will have to apply a spouse visa.

    If I marry here here before her visa expires, will it let her stay here in UK? How will her visa be converted?

    Please help.

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
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    Hi macaco,

    First of all welcome to the forum.

    Im not an expert about the visa, but maybe i can be of help

    Im just going to ask, what kind of visa is your partner holding? If it is a fiancee visa, that is only valid for 6 months, before her visa expired you should get married. And after your marriage, she can apply for the definite leave to remain visa which is valid for 2 years.

    As with my experience getting married here in UK it is much easier than getting married in the Philippines. Because as we talk about we can get a nice wedding in the PI after we have sorted all we need to do here in the UK..

    This is a piece of advice that may help, hope it will help both of you?

  3. #3
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    Thanks. She is not on a fiancee visa. I just met her here.

    What's the procedure in getting married here in UK?

  4. #4
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by macaco View Post
    Thanks. She is not on a fiancee visa. I just met her here.

    What's the procedure in getting married here in UK?
    Hi Macaco,
    Welcome to the forum. Before we can help we need to know, if she on a visit (tourist) visa or a work visa?

  5. #5
    Respected Member gazlou's Avatar
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    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by macaco View Post
    Thanks. She is not on a fiancee visa. I just met her here.
    So what type of visa is it? Some visas can be converted to permanent residence and some can't.

    What's the procedure in getting married here in UK?
    Again, what type of visa she has determines whether she is allowed to marry in UK.

    I would advocate marrying in Phils, you can have a really grand wedding for very little cost - certainly much cheaper than the UK.

    Our wedding and reception, with over 100 guests, included ice sculpture, butterflies, doves etc, with professional photography (we have over 500 photos, and 2 hours of video) cost less than £2000.

    Getting married here can be arranged very easily - as long as you bring your CNI, birth certificate, divorce decree etc from UK, you could be married and return to UK within two weeks.

  7. #7
    Respected Member jbt's Avatar
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    welcome to the forum.

    "Chains do not hold a marriage together.It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years.That is what makes a marriage last - more than passion or even sex..."

  8. #8
    Respected Member menchkin's Avatar
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    Hello and welcome to the forum!
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  9. #9
    Respected Member Sconnie's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome to the Forum...

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    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    welcome here.

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    Respected Member miayela's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum..

  12. #12
    Respected Member aug06_2006's Avatar
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    Hello n welcome here.

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  14. #14
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    Thanks everyone. It's kind of complicated as she came here on a spousal visa and her (ex)husband (soon!) beats her. So the relationship broke down.

    As she was married in PI, she let her ex to file the divorce so she will not get anullment in Phils. Divorce is on process so I want to marry her once it's over. So the question is, is she alowed to marry here? Cause if she can, then there is a possibility for her to be back in two weeks here then that's great!

    So what type of Visa does the person be allowed to marry here in UK?

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by macaco View Post
    Thanks everyone. It's kind of complicated as she came here on a spousal visa and her (ex)husband (soon!) beats her. So the relationship broke down.

    As she was married in PI, she let her ex to file the divorce so she will not get anullment in Phils. Divorce is on process so I want to marry her once it's over. So the question is, is she alowed to marry here? Cause if she can, then there is a possibility for her to be back in two weeks here then that's great!

    So what type of Visa does the person be allowed to marry here in UK?
    how long has she been in the uk ?

    if less than 2yrs, is she still living with him, did she report the abuse to the police, is there any evidence ... Police reports, Social Services records, medical records?

    if not, she might have to go back to the phils when her spouse visa expires or is curtailed by the HO

    if she's been here 2 yrs, she must have ILR?

  16. #16
    Respected Member PAT's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum macaco!

  17. #17
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    She is not living with him anymore. They gotrseparated and the husband filed for divorce. She will be two years in England by next year. Sounds tricky as she will get her divorce before her visa expires... Qestions is as she came here in a spousal visa then her 2 years is not yet over but they will be divorce before her visa expires. that's why I want to marry her.

    Yes all the abuse was reported to police. We got all the evidences against him. We got help from CAB regarding her application for ILR as a victim of domestic violence.

    The decree nisi was declared already but her (ex) husband still continue bothering her and the police just got enough of him telling lies(we know it's a lie ) I will definitely tell the whole story once the case is over.

  18. #18
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  19. #19
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [LEFT
    [/left];95172]She is not living with him anymore. They
    and the husband filed for divorce. She will be two years in England by next year. Sounds tricky as she will get her divorce before her visa expires...
    is as she came here in a spousal visa then her 2 years is not yet over but they will be divorce before her visa expires. that's why I want to marry her.

    Yes all the abuse was reported to police. We got all the evidences against him. We got help from CAB regarding her application for ILR as a victim of domestic violence.

    The decree
    was declared already but her (ex) husband still continue bothering her and the police just got enough of him telling lies(we know it's a lie ) I will definitely tell the whole story once the case is over.
    I have just read this thread it would help if you could set it out from the
    otherwise you get answers and then reveal a bit more of the story and new answers are needed .

    When did your G/F arrive in the
    and on what visa?

    On what grounds is her husband

    What is your status in the UK?

    Sorry spell check went strange

  20. #20
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    Hi Jessicar welcome to the forum, well pondering your sad situation i wondering if you need to worry to much about this?, surely you will be granted ILR with the stories of physical abuse, you can be granted ILR as the "victim" of domestic violence, you just need all the Police records and hospital reports ect EG: pictures of broken bones and bruising ect. Also i assume your husband (ex) has been jailed and charged over this domestic violence? you should easily be granted ILR with all this and free to remarry here anytime you wish, the only problem i can forsee is if you didn't have these evidences, i know it sounds unbeliveable but there are some cases of women making false claims of being victims of domestic violence when in fact it is untrue but im sure in your case you have enough evidence against him and that he has already been jailed over this?. Also i note that you say the police are "fed up of him telling all these lies" so i can only assume he has been charged also over this?. Just 1 other thing strikes me from your email, you state that the divorce will be complete before your visa expires but as he was the one to divorce you even he has the decree nisi and as im sure you know must wait 6 weeks and 1 day before applying for the decree absolute but what if he didn't apply for the decree absolute straight away? he could wait months in theory to apply for this final stage thus delaying your plans to remarry...sorry to worry you as im sure this is an unlikely scenario but it did occur to me that it could happen, hey also if you remarry so soon it may look a bit unfavourable from the authorites point of view if they see you came to UK once already on spouse visa and it didn't last even 2 years, although with all the torrid domestic abuse you say you suffered im sure you will be ok, i guess as a Filipina the only other issue would be to your reputation?, but hey don't mind the gossip i always say things can be done the easy way or hard way in life and it becomes sad when some chose to do things the hard way when it could have been done in an easy way...good luck "Tawing"

  21. #21
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Oh Dear I dunno if I welcome you with a big or anyway hope you can sort this problem out coz we have handful of geniuses here(is joe bloggs listening )goodluck!
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  22. #22
    Respected Member lavander's Avatar
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    A Big Welcome to you....

    ... feel at home!
    Keep moving on...

  23. #23
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    Hi Again

    Im so really troubled reading your post, feel so sad and 1 or 2 things trouble me so just wanted to share a couple of things with you as i know of a case very very similar to yours although with 1 or 2 big differences notably the Filipina in the story i will share with you was...well i wil be polite and say unstable (she was mentally weak and unstable). Well some of this may help you as there are some similarities, basically the big difference being she "cried" abuse and claimed to be a battered wife when in fact it was all made up and lies, she told her story to all she could and revelled in the sympathy and attention she gained, it was even part of the sob story she gave to her BF whom she met whilst still married to her British husband, anyway she tried to use these claims to further herself but of course without the necessary evidence to back up her spiteful claims she was unable to take it further. Yes there's was a volitile and destructive relationship with so much fighting ect as well as verbal nastiness upon both sides however the claims of "beatings" were simply untrue and something she created and guess will have to live with for the rest of her life, i assume it sits uncomfortably with her Catholic faith although bearing in mind her unstable state of mind and the fact she appeared unable to distinguish between reality and her lies as well as the fact she embarked upon her adultery whilst still married to her husband then i guess she was the sort to easily justify everything she did?. Anyway the lady in question had clearly many troubles most of which maybe started from her childhood (her father also like her commited adultary and was a chauvanist pig and bully) the point here being whilst her claims were simply lies, yes lies of the very worst kind though i guess it helped her justify her extra marital affair (of course once she had begun these lies and went down that road it then became to late to simply tell people it was a pack of lies) the point is that she unlike you couldnt back up her claims as the events she cried over never happened and so of course she had no evidence, i assume in your case Jessicar your (ex) is serving his prison sentance now right?. Anyway the story i told you above, that lady was well lets just say not the most popular person within her community and luckily for her ex he was able to gather lots of info about her and her lover EG: when she moved house, her lovers full details ect ect, the thing was her hubby was being fed info by someone within her house (she lived with a Filipino couple, a gay and a Filipina care giver) anyway 1 of them...well lets just say they were not a fan! so they kept the hubby updated, he was smart enough not to use the adultary within his divorce against her but what he did do was take a 6 week trip to the Philippines whilst there divorce was not complete, anyway he filed a case against her there in Philippines re: her adultary...well imagine the surprise she has in store when she goes home!, thats kinda what i wanted to warn you of Jess dear that although im certain your abuse claims are real but still i the eyes of the law you and your BF have commited adultery, whilst im sure your hubby (ex) is jailed over what he did to you are you sure he couldnt have filled a case against you there? do you know has he visited the Philippines recently?, like i said previously to you dear its always best to do things the easy way if given the option sadly with the other ladies case she elected to do things the hard way, still i guess for her thoise lies will oneday catch up with her, karma and all that...good luck dear and keep us all posted, were all her for you lol

  24. #24
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    I get confused.... Welcome to the Forum anyway...

  25. #25
    Respected Member lavander's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simplelife View Post
    I get confused.... Welcome to the Forum anyway...
    I guess your not alone....
    Keep moving on...

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