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Thread: Applying For A National Insurance (NI) number

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  1. #1
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    Applying For A National Insurance (NI) number

    Applying for an NI number

    There is a process of checks that need to go through when YOU apply for an NI number.

    Firstly, the DWP (Department for Work and Pensions) makes sure YOU need an NI number.

    Secondly, they make sure you haven't already got an NI number.

    If you need an NI number and you haven't got one, you should phone
    0845 0600 0643 between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday.
    After finding your intentions of securing an NI, they will ask for your names, date of birth, the type of visa you are holding and your full home address. They will write you a letter on the address you told them so make sure you said it right and clear. In the letter they will ask you to come to a personal interview. They will give you the date and time of your interview. Please ensure you arrive in good time for your interview. If you do not, you may not be seen.

    What to bring with you?
    • Types of evidence and information to prove your right to work:


    Passport, Birth Certificate ( if you were born in the UK ),Registration or naturalisation certificate, Work permit, Home Office documents, confirming you are entitled to work in the UK.
    • Types of evidence to prove your identity

    Valid passport (two or more if of dual/multi nationality)
    Marriage/Civil Partnership Certificate
    Full/Provisionary Driving Licence
    • Types of evidence to prove you're actively looking for a job before the NI application:

    Application letter to prospect employers which includes their replies either rejected or hired, or invitation for a job interview.
    Application form received from the employers or jobcentres.

    Letters confirming where residing ( e.g. letters from Phils. water bill, council tax, electricity, etc.)

    Purpose of personal interview :
    • check the identity to make sure you are who you say you are to protect your NI and social security accounts, and
    • check you have a right to work in the UK if your application is for employment purposes

    For more information, visit the Department for Work and Pensions website at or contact Jobcentre Plus.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    hhhmmm thats very useful
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Wow really useful post which im sure will help a lot of Phills sort there NI

  4. #4
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Thanks i have my appointment in Weds for the NI interview...
    tiger tigress

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  5. #5
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger@tigress View Post
    Thanks i have my appointment in Weds for the NI interview...
    Good luck im sure it will go well

  6. #6
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Good luck im sure it will go well
    Thanks Andy paul Got it now
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  7. #7
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    QUESTION: I am confused now...

    We knew that Dependants are allowed to work in the UK... However, I have met some Filipinos here who have VISA stating "VISA: Dependants / Work Permit"... Is it different from "VISA: To join Spouse/CP" ?

    I am now confused... I told my friend that his wife could work in the UK because his wife is his dependant but when she inquired about applying for NATIONAL INSURANCE and was asked for a work permit, thru phone, she just told the representative that she only has VISA TO JOIN SPOUSE...

    May I know who, of those recently approved Dependant's VISA HOLDERS in this forum, what exactly their VISA states??? if there really is DEPENDANTS/ WORK PERMIT ( or maybe this is just issued long time ago??? and now they just amend it to simply VISA TO JOIN SPOUSE???)

    My husband has VISA TO JOIN SPOUSE as well but he has not tried yet appying for a job and other stuffs because he is still enjoying and roaming around England... hihi...

    Sorry if OUT of TOPIC, just remembered that NI Application thing.

    Anyone who knows this, please advise asap.

    Many thanks.

  8. #8
    Respected Member katie37pinayuk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAMZ View Post
    QUESTION: I am confused now...

    We knew that Dependants are allowed to work in the UK... However, I have met some Filipinos here who have VISA stating "VISA: Dependants / Work Permit"... Is it different from "VISA: To join Spouse/CP" ?

    I am now confused... I told my friend that his wife could work in the UK because his wife is his dependant but when she inquired about applying for NATIONAL INSURANCE and was asked for a work permit, thru phone, she just told the representative that she only has VISA TO JOIN SPOUSE...

    May I know who, of those recently approved Dependant's VISA HOLDERS in this forum, what exactly their VISA states??? if there really is DEPENDANTS/ WORK PERMIT ( or maybe this is just issued long time ago??? and now they just amend it to simply VISA TO JOIN SPOUSE???)
    im a work permit holder and got my husband on 2006 (soon to be ex) on dependant visa. he was able to get an NI even while still applying for a job and he was allowed to work fulltime without restriction. he's even luckier cos he can chose any type of job available, unlike me as a principal is restricted to be dedicated to employer sponsor! and last year (2007), i renewed my permit/visa and him as dependant (which i regret now...complicated and another sad story of my life...), no restriction been given to him...welll. of course the "no recourse to public funds". even as dependant of student visa holder can work fulltime. im not familiar with fiancee and spouse visa...wish i came on that kind of visa by the way what is CP?

  9. #9
    Respected Member winner's Avatar
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    spouse visa you can work fiance visa and visit visa you can not work

  10. #10
    Respected Member mhynne's Avatar
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    wow this is really good timing.. as im trying to research now in securing one for me... may i know how long after you call do you get called in for an interview? thanks!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhynne View Post
    wow this is really good timing.. as im trying to research now in securing one for me... may i know how long after you call do you get called in for an interview? thanks!
    Mine I rang the job centre last wed. Jan.23 and they scheduled my interview yesterday Jan. 31 10:30 am. I thought I will be having my interview in our place but it was not. I had my interview at Watercourt Jobcentre 116-118 Canal Street Nottingham. It is too far from our place and I've been there by myself. My husband's friend was surprised when he knew that I've been there alone. He could not believed that I had done it by myself. The enterviewer told me to wait about two weeks and they will post my NI#.

  12. #12
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    When I got here i was so excited to apply for jobs and get to work. After sending loads of application letters and receiving loads of refusals as well, i finally got a job after 5 weeks from when i arrived in this country. Now that i am working, i wish i am not. I am an Administrator in a company here in Poole. The pressure is too much. As well as the tax. I dont want to scare anybody out there trying to look for work. Im am just trying to get used to how British people work and how bitchy some can be in the office... Maybe because of the lack of sunshine in this country... Just writing my thoughts...

  13. #13
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Durkhaima View Post
    When I got here i was so excited to apply for jobs and get to work. After sending loads of application letters and receiving loads of refusals as well, i finally got a job after 5 weeks from when i arrived in this country. Now that i am working, i wish i am not. I am an Administrator in a company here in Poole. The pressure is too much. As well as the tax. I dont want to scare anybody out there trying to look for work. Im am just trying to get used to how British people work and how bitchy some can be in the office... Maybe because of the lack of sunshine in this country... Just writing my thoughts...
    spoken like a true brit citizenship granted

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Durkhaima View Post
    When I got here i was so excited to apply for jobs and get to work. After sending loads of application letters and receiving loads of refusals as well, i finally got a job after 5 weeks from when i arrived in this country. Now that i am working, i wish i am not. I am an Administrator in a company here in Poole. The pressure is too much. As well as the tax. I dont want to scare anybody out there trying to look for work. Im am just trying to get used to how British people work and how bitchy some can be in the office... Maybe because of the lack of sunshine in this country... Just writing my thoughts...
    i have told my wife things are so diffrent in uk to philippines.People are not so nice there if theres work to be done thay do it (most do )here in philippines everythink is so easy going owwww no hurry way way diffrent in uk and tax you pay in uk well you do have free medical unemployment payments and other stuff in uk and it has to be payed for out of taxes ( this is why lots of british people get pissed of with people comeing into country and claiming unemployment for them there wife and 5 kids ) well pinoys that pay tax and ni are paying that bill as well as rest of us so if you like to work my wife does tax has to be payed sorry to say but still nice place to live

  15. #15
    Respected Member mhynne's Avatar
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    thanks a lot sis joyce!

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