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Thread: Mail-To-Order-Brides

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  1. #1
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    I've only heard the "mail order bride" thing twice but by people who think they're being funny but are not. Otherwise I haven't noticed anything in the UK.

    I notice the western/Filipina couples in the Phils especially the very young girl with old guy or attractive girl with ugly bloke or (strangest one I saw this time), a Dutch father and son both with Filipinas who looked about the same age.

    My friend asked a Filipino guy what he thought of western guys going over there and taking their women and he replied that it made him sad.
    It seems that there are a lot of women to go around (so to speak) so us foreigners nicking a few shouldn't make too much difference.

    Strange that when my wife was young free and single, none of the local lads made a move on her. Are they gay or what???

  2. #2
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
    I've only heard the "mail order bride" thing twice but by people who think they're being funny but are not. Otherwise I haven't noticed anything in the UK.

    I notice the western/Filipina couples in the Phils especially the very young girl with old guy or attractive girl with ugly bloke or (strangest one I saw this time), a Dutch father and son both with Filipinas who looked about the same age.

    My friend asked a Filipino guy what he thought of western guys going over there and taking their women and he replied that it made him sad.
    It seems that there are a lot of women to go around (so to speak) so us foreigners nicking a few shouldn't make too much difference.

    whaaaa hehhehe.. sige mga pinay aminin!! hehehe...

    Strange that when my wife was young free and single, none of the local lads made a move on her. Are they gay or what???

    INSECURED THAT IS, hehe you should thank them because they did not bother her... now, you have the best lass in the world (in your becuase in my hubby's eyes I am, and other's hubbys eyes, it's their partners hahahaa u know what i mean right! hehehe

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