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Thanks. Then I have another concern, finances. Based on my hubby's bank statement, he has around 3k in GBP. Will that be enough proof of support. Hubby has been through a rough year in the past, not to mention the frequent trips to here, so he was only able to stabilize his finances now. But his payslip will provide that he"s earning around 1,500 monthly.
This will be enough right?
yep, that will be enough! the ECO people are just after the overdrafts and so so so so negative balances... but £1500/mo is sufficient for you to be able to stay with him
And as for providing college diplomas, will this pose possible question from the ECOs?
When I applied, I provided all my school credentials so they know that you are also capable, skilled & educated... that also will be your edge towards finding a job in the future
Like the main purpose for joining hubby is to work and not to be together? Been married for almost 3 years now, and due to important family occassions and finances, are we only able to apply now.
relax ka lang po, hehe everything in your relationship is genuine so nothing to worry about... then if you will be interviewed regardng this... just tell them, because my hubby wants me to be with him when finances are stabled and positive... he doesnt want me to be suffering when i get in he UK (yep, fair enough) but i doubt you will be interviewed...
Yeah, you guys may say I have a lot of worries. Sorry. Just want everything right so I can be with hubby next year.