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Thread: Visa ni Lolo

  1. #1
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    Visa ni Lolo

    Visa ni Lolo

    This is a true story taken from one of the most read newspaper in the Philippines .

    A 70-year old 'lolo' from the province was accompanied by a grandson to the US Embassy in Manila for his VISA interview.
    The lolo spoke not a word of English so the grandson translated for him.
    The Consul told the young man to ask his grandfather why he wanted to go to the States.

    "Bakit daw ho ninyo gustong pumunta sa Amerika?" The grandson translated.

    "Sabihin mo gusto kong makita yung mga anak ko doon."
    "He said he wants to see his children there."
    Fair enough, that's what the lolo's application indicated.

    The Consul had another question. "Ask him why does he have to go there? Why can't his children just come and visit him here?"

    The grandson translated this in Tagalog.

    Lolo replied: "Sabihin mo kasi dito pinanganak yung mga anak ko.
    Nakita na nila ang Pilipinas. Gusto ko namang makita ang Amerika bago ako mamatay."
    (Translation: "Tell him, my children were born here. They've seen the
    Philippines already. I just want to see America before I die.")

    The HEARTLESS Consul was unimpressed as he declared, devoid of any emotion, that he was rejecting the visa application "because the applicant was unable to speak any word of English."

    "Reject daw yung visa ninyo kasi hindi daw kayo marunong mag-Ingles."

    The lolo was equally unimpressed. "Sabihin mo ito sa kanya at huwag na huwag mong papalitan ang sasabihin ko:

    " Eh, bakit siya nandidito eh hindi naman siya marunong mag
    Tagalog! ?"

    Translated, "He said: how come you are here... you do not
    know how to speak in Tagalog!?"

    Taken aback, sense of humor still intact, the consul relented and approved lolo's visa application in pronto.

    Go LoLo...Mabuhay ang Pinoy!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Nice one .

  3. #3
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    thats true!why is that we always adjust for them...
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  4. #4
    Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    thats true!why is that we always adjust for them...
    It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good to check up once in a while to make sure you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.

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