Hi guys and girls,
I posted a thread under "legal information", asking for some advice, if anyone would know how to go about making a correction on our NSO marriage certificate. I'm still trying to work out what to do.

The mistake is that i put "English" instead of "British" for my nationality, and now of course it is likely to cause probs in our settlement visa application. (The CFO already refused to grant a CFO certificate bcos of this).
To change this, my wife has been told that a court application is required bcos it affects the nationality (unlike a simple name spellig or whatever). So she's been quoted by a lawyer $250 to process it.
It seems to me that they just want to cash in on my mild dyslexic disability with words. And there is part of me really doesn't want to let them get away with this!

Maybe there is someone on the Forum who could advise how we should go about this? Whether its poss to file a correction at NSO without a court application, or if it's neccesary to go via a court appearance then how would we do it DIY (without a lawyer). I have seen that peterdavid is a lawyer and knows some Phil Law, but he seems to not be active recently.

My wife is now upset because she is taking it that i don't really love her because i don't just send the money and do it. But to me it's like blackmail that they are doing here! It's just to change one word in 3 places on the document; a word that obviously means the same thing, it's just a mild dyslexic clumsiness with words that has led to this obvious mistake. Any fool can see what's behind the mistake, it doesn't require some judge to pour his heart out over it trying to decide if someone is trying to commit deceit!
And i'm suspicious that if i entertain blackmail once then it's likely that another thing will crop up further down the line. I don't like this!
Am i starting to take this into rant? Sorry, it really makes me angry
