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Thread: what to do

  1. #1
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    what to do

    hi ,i have been very busy compiling evidance and documents etc to help with my wifes visa aplication.
    i foned my wife today and we have come across a problem with the mairrage certificate, she went to fetch it (half an hours drive away to silang ,cavite) only to be told she had not paid for it.

    before we got married i went to a councilers house and paid 3000 php for her to arange things, she later told us that we could get married on nov 3rd and things went ahead as planned. exchanged rings and vows and i returned to england leaving it to my wife to obtain the certificate.

    my wife likened these oficials to terrorists with a hostage meaning that they would not release the certificate without extra payment.

    i dont have a receipt as such but my wife has a sheet of paper stating some details about the wedding and we have photos of the wedding in the hall with the woman who aranged things for us.

    although i feel like coughing up the extra cash to get the ball rolling again i feel like fighting it .
    on the other hand i feel like telling them to stick the certificate where the sun dont shine and applying for a fiance visa.
    is this an option ?

  2. #2
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    that is not so good...

    did she report that to the police? nbi? or other officials? let her show them the pictures for proofs... but this can also be tricky especially your white... (meaning money money money talking again)...

    or ask her to go to NSO (national statistics office) because all marriage licenses should be registered there. if it can not be found, meaning the barangay hall/the one who married you did not submit your documents to them... your wedding is then considered as null&void especially if they have destroyed it...

    you have a very strong case there... they can't say that the wedding did not exist because you have people who could testify, pictures to show... i hope you have taken some photos of the jdge/official who wed you... You can name & shame them!

    but if you do not want a long winding process... go ahead give them the P3000.00 but beware: if you will do that, then for sure they will do it again....

    for newbies:
    never ever go to the DOMICILE (house) of the judge/official who will be involved in your wedding
    do legal transactions in their offices... always ask someone to accompany you to testify
    ask for valid receipts (with government logos and all)

    the above mentioned are very self-explanatory & should be put in mind at all time...


    i pray you will be able to sort this thing out without any hassle.

  3. #3
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    If there is any other way to get the marriage certificate, even if it means paying someone else like a lawyer or something and even if it costs double or even 3 times as much that, I think I would prefer to do that than to give in to this sort of blackmail. The one thing about Phils that I really detest is that the people there who are already a lot better off than most are the ones who are the greediest and most dishonest.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    If there is any other way to get the marriage certificate, even if it means paying someone else like a lawyer or something and even if it costs double or even 3 times as much that, I think I would prefer to do that than to give in to this sort of blackmail. The one thing about Phils that I really detest is that the people there who are already a lot better off than most are the ones who are the greediest and most dishonest.

    Oh so true! Fight!

  5. #5
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris40 View Post
    hi ,i have been very busy compiling evidance and documents etc to help with my wifes visa aplication.
    i foned my wife today and we have come across a problem with the mairrage certificate, she went to fetch it (half an hours drive away to silang ,cavite) only to be told she had not paid for it.

    before we got married i went to a councilers house and paid 3000 php for her to arange things, she later told us that we could get married on nov 3rd and things went ahead as planned. exchanged rings and vows and i returned to england leaving it to my wife to obtain the certificate.

    my wife likened these oficials to terrorists with a hostage meaning that they would not release the certificate without extra payment.

    i dont have a receipt as such but my wife has a sheet of paper stating some details about the wedding and we have photos of the wedding in the hall with the woman who aranged things for us.

    although i feel like coughing up the extra cash to get the ball rolling again i feel like fighting it .
    on the other hand i feel like telling them to stick the certificate where the sun dont shine and applying for a fiance visa.
    is this an option ?
    don't let them to blackmailing you, report them to the police like what jay&zobel said you can name them and shame them huhuhu
    all things are possible!

  6. #6
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    I spoke to my wife again and she says that the municipal hall also said that they wait until they get enough mairrage licences to send off several at the same time and the next time they post will probably be early next year.
    i told her that was nonsense and other people usualy get theirs in about 3 weeks.
    fortunately her father is about and i asked her to get him to acompany her back to the municipal hall to try and persuade them to send off for the licence.

  7. #7
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    Report them to mayors office,,they are just blackmailing you,also i agreed to jayzobel ...and if u didn't sort it out,,,apply for fiancee visa would be best that thing u don't need to wait another waiting process, if u applied for fiancee visa then the only thing u need is waiting for the visa unlike if you sort all the documents proven that u get married is another long way to

    life is too short ,must enjoy life till we are still young

  8. #8
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    If they want to send volumes in NSO, why not request the Local Registrar your Marriage Certificate and have your wife send it to NSO instead. It will save u time. I know others have done that.
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  9. #9
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    Hi empott,yes b4 they allow anyone to send it to NSO but now,just done days ago,they put a rubber stamp on the front page saying "NOT VALID FOR REPRODUCTION' meaning no one allowed to go NSO to process it individually,instead the LCR really are the one who forwarded through NSO,and the LCR will give u a piece of paper that u can request a copy of it already
    My experience last friday only,and LCR said to me that was the latest way of processing....sigh

  10. #10
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    Tough luck!
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  11. #11
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    just a quick update, i foned my wife and she was happy and told me she went to the counciler in question who should have handed the money over and she repented and asked my wife to forgive her.
    this was after she was threatened with the police to be involved.
    my wife says she will get the certificate friday, i do hope she is right.

    a man told me in kuwait at the airport whilst on my way to the philippines for the 1st time
    "the filipina is loving , she is loyal ,but she is a fighter"

    i hope my wifes fight for justice is sucsessful and we can submit our aplication.

    anyway thanks for the advice because i was at a loss of what to do.

  13. #13
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    Nice to hear Chris...good luck to both of you

  14. #14
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris40 View Post
    just a quick update, i foned my wife and she was happy and told me she went to the counciler in question who should have handed the money over and she repented and asked my wife to forgive her.
    this was after she was threatened with the police to be involved.
    my wife says she will get the certificate friday, i do hope she is right.

    a man told me in kuwait at the airport whilst on my way to the philippines for the 1st time
    "the filipina is loving , she is loyal ,but she is a fighter"

    i hope my wifes fight for justice is sucsessful and we can submit our aplication.

    anyway thanks for the advice because i was at a loss of what to do.

    We are happy about the good news!!!!! See, it was just a con hehehe...
    Pinays are matalino, do not forget that hehe

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    We are happy about the good news!!!!! See, it was just a con hehehe...
    Pinays are matalino, do not forget that hehe
    Korek ka dyan...

  16. #16
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    We are happy about the good news!!!!! See, it was just a con hehehe...
    Pinays are matalino, do not forget that hehe
    Quote Originally Posted by simplelife View Post
    Korek ka dyan...

    hehe.. carry the sariling upuan hehe...

  17. #17
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    i am pleased to say that my wife has the mairrage contract .so i am happy to say that i await dhl to collect documents and then hope for the best,
    and the best of luck to anyone reading this in the same situation as myself

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    hehe.. carry the sariling upuan hehe...

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