that is not so good...
did she report that to the police? nbi? or other officials? let her show them the pictures for proofs... but this can also be tricky especially your white... (meaning money money money talking again)...
or ask her to go to NSO (national statistics office) because all marriage licenses should be registered there. if it can not be found, meaning the barangay hall/the one who married you did not submit your documents to them... your wedding is then considered as null&void especially if they have destroyed it...
you have a very strong case there... they can't say that the wedding did not exist because you have people who could testify, pictures to show... i hope you have taken some photos of the jdge/official who wed you... You can name & shame them!
but if you do not want a long winding process... go ahead give them the P3000.00 but beware: if you will do that, then for sure they will do it again....
for newbies:
never ever go to the DOMICILE (house) of the judge/official who will be involved in your wedding
do legal transactions in their offices... always ask someone to accompany you to testify
ask for valid receipts (with government logos and all)
the above mentioned are very self-explanatory & should be put in mind at all time...
i pray you will be able to sort this thing out without any hassle.