Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
hi everyone.. just want to share my experienced this morning.
we (me and my son) left at our house (pampanga) at 7am. my schedule was 10:40am, which i did it online. so, i have 3 hours and 30 minutes to get at VFS. i was in balintawak at 9:15 and thinking that i still have time. when we were in edsa it was really heavy traffic. got off the bus in cubao and got taxi. while in the taxi i was praying that hopefully we get there on time. i got in the lobby at exactly 10:40am. went to 25th floor and the guard checked all my things, finally we were inside. the guard inside took our appointment letter and asked the staff of the VFS if we were called. the guard came back and said that we were called
i asked the guard if there's any way that we can still submit our applications... he said that i need to fall in line as 'walk-in' , but it will take long. so i did fall in line. after a minute they called my son's name
but again unfortunately, i need to submit one more paper for my son which is 'sponsorship undertaking'
now i'm thinking if i have to go there tomorrow morning as walk-in.. because i was trying to get a schedule for tomorrow, but the available days for this week are on wednesday and thursday

Youre a "kabalen"?