Have you thought about courting a Philippines lady? A frequently asked question is: how long does it take from when we first meet, until she steps off the flight in London??

This is often a question that comes up on a regular basis, the reason for this question is that many British Guys think that they will meet a lady in the Philippines, maybe spend a few weeks talking on the net, go out for a couple of weeks, and hey presto, 2 weeks later she is landing in London and pole vaulting through the arrivals terminal into your arms, and you are enjoying the fruits of love.

This sadly is not the reality, for one thing, the timeline can be lengthy to say the least, and the cost to your wallet of entering into such a relationship can for some be prohibitive.

I know of one or two situations where guys have gone out to the Philippines only to find that it cost them so much, that it’s almost a year before they can get back.

This is common, and depending on your income and salary levels, you have to make an assessment of your financial situation to decide whether you can afford to get into this project.

I use the word project rather clinically here, as undoubtedly to court a Filipina, arrange a wedding, especially if she wants a Filipino wedding, and entry clearance procedures, can have a profound impact on your financial situation.

In an ideal world, it would be great if your lady was arriving in London within a few weeks, if you are lucky enough to have lots of savings, and deep pockets, perhaps its not as bad as this, but for the majority, taking time off work, especially if employed, and booking leave etc, can cause lots of lengthy separation periods between you.

Its great fun courting a Filipina long distance but at some stage you are going to want to humanize the relationship and meet, this is a great venture the first time round, and there is lots of information on the Forum regarding, preparation, What to expect etc.

There are many considerations to ponder over when entering into this type of relationship, for one thing as I have said, what often comes to mind and can frustrate both of you is how long will it be before we are together living in UK.

This depends on many factors for example

1. Your financial circumstances
2. How many times you can get out to the Philippines
3. Where the marriage is to take place
4. Family considerations
5. The British Embassy

For one thing, you will probably spend some months getting to know your intended, this may take a few months, by letter, internet, calling, etc, and then you may follow that up with a visit.

If you have proposed at that stage, then you may wish to apply for a fiancée visa, were you prepared with the required paperwork to make the application whilst in the Philippines?

Chances are you were not, so it’s a trip back to UK, probably another long period of separation before you make the required application and submit the paperwork.

Again some months may have elapsed, are you getting married in the Philippines? This has to be arranged, coordinated with her family and friends, this does not happen overnight.

Then there is your 2nd or 3rd visit back to get married and arrange the paperwork, once having done this, this will end up in you having to leave your wife back in the Philippines while you return to UK, again more waiting, this could be anything from 3 to 12 months, I have known of situations where it took 13 months to get their loved on into UK, be prepared for lots of waiting, you need to ask yourself the question ?

Am I prepared for long periods of separation? Lots of bureaucracy form filling and providing financial support for your lady, if you can answer yes to these questions, then the waiting will be worth it.

Whatever you are looking for I hope you get it, but whatever happens to you, it can’t be harder than what my experience is, if you had to get a divorce first before you could do all of this, then you would know what separation was !!

Best of Luck.