Hi there Doc898,
i remembered, When i was little i used to dream that ill be a dentist someday hehe...i just admire dentists,

they do wonders! they make pangit smile to beatiful smile

hehe maybe i was/am just too conscious with my teeth, im afraid to lose any of my teeth

hehehe (hehe i also joined contests in school when i was in elementary)hahaha
hehe but anyway, doc whats the best toothpaste ever (that will make the teeth really whiter)/mouthwash (that will last long) here in the philly? lol is bleaching advisable (how much will it cost?) pls PM me for the brand (advertisements not allowed here) ty
i believe that we need prophylaxis every 6 mos.(?). ahh but i think i failed ahhh (well hehe)
Thanks anyway,
More power to you.
take care,
zobel here