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Thread: Bachelor's Degree in Phils

  1. #1
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    Bachelor's Degree in Phils

    Hello guys,

    I'd like to ask if a Bachelor's Degree in Business Admin in the Philippines is recognised in the UK? For example, if the wife wants to apply for administrative jobs such as office staff or assistant, is her degree and work experience back home recognised here in the UK?



  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    May 2005
    london well away from those people up norf
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    Quote Originally Posted by rands
    Hello guys,

    I'd like to ask if a Bachelor's Degree in Business Admin in the Philippines is recognised in the UK? For example, if the wife wants to apply for administrative jobs such as office staff or assistant, is her degree and work experience back home recognised here in the UK?


    Can't say for sure about the degree. The other things to think about from experience are English language skills, Pc skills and Refrences.

    It maybew best to go though a temp agency or at least let them see your wifes CV they can give you some advice i would think ( I would guess you might need to try a few as some im sure are better than others.

    I know some Temp agencies will do typing tests, which is what a lot of offices i guess are looking for.

    Hopefully others can give you more advice.

    One further suggestion i would give is take even short term jobs at first as experience or the lack of it seems to be the biggest problem even the most well educated and qualified people have when finding a job.

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