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This discussion will be of interest to many of us, it seems to me, that is an absolutely vile and despicable act that our poor Filipino Nurses would work long hard hours on our hospital wards, to remit their hard earned salaries, and lets face it, would you really want to wok on NHS Hospital wards, our Filipino Nurses are the very best, they deserve all our support, without them our NHS would not work.
I am so proud of them, I had reason to go to A&E recently, I have had a terrible pain and complaint, its not easy to get seen these days, I was treated in hospital, who were there ? our outstanding British Filipino Nurses, again, who does the hard work ? yes you guessed it, they do.
So they take their salaries, which by our standards are not that great, and remit it to their families, whilst doing so, they then proceed in good faith to pay a fee to have their money transmitted to the host bank, or to Cebuana Lhuillier, or similar receiving organization, the last thing they need to know, is that the money has been embezzled by these crooks in the Philippines.
There is no protection for their money, the Philippine government really does need to step in and underwrite these remittances from OFW.
It does represent $14 Billion dollars a year, and growing as well, I doubt whether they could give such a guarantee, however, using 3rd party remittance companies in UK which are set up by Filipinos who come into the country for this purpose, is a vile and despicable act.
The best way it seems to send money, is to effect a transfer by cash over the counter into the account of PNB Europe, by the way, were you all aware they bank with Barclays Knightsbridge, London.
For those that live in London, ( i am sorry this may not be a great help to those who live in other parts of the country) you can go into Barclays Bank Knightsbridge and deposit into their account direct, obtaining your receipt.
Once having done so, you can then issue an instruction to PNB to send accordingly, they cannot say they have not received the money, and by the way, the PNB Europe is regulated by the Financial Services Authority in the UK, remember any money deposited with PNB is underwritten by the treasury.
How can PNB then say they have never received the money, another way to ensure your loved ones receive the money is to let your beneficiaries obtain the Gobal Fiipino money card from their respective local PNB branch in the Philippines, we have successfully used this method of transfer for 4 years, never had a problem, the money is always there instantly or within 24 hours, and for £1.00 you can even have the money collected at Cebuana Lhuillier, this is also convenient for your beneficiaries to receive, if its an inconvenience to get to PNB main branches in the cities.
Apparently my representative in the Philippines tells me, there is always a ginormous queue to get money from the branch, and when you do show up, you have to bribe the guard to get to the front of the queue or to get you into the queue.
I think lessons have to be learned about sending your hard earned money, especially in this financial climate, but at any time, best wishes to everyone with thier Christmas remittances.