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Thread: Dear Mods and Admin

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
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    Dear Mods and Admin

    I come in peace! You may choose to edit or delete this thread later. Or you may choose to ban me like all the others. This is my 2 cents worth.

    I have notice first hand how harsh (for lack of better word) words can be, or is it just the cultural differences, that's why I am quite touche...

    Mod walesrob there branded me spammy and that I should get lost:

    when the one I posted wasn't even my business. I just learned that a friend who recently migrated to Canada and is job hunting finds this a temporary "job" - earning her $20 a day while satisfying her need for self expression (to combat homesickness).

    You could have at least sent me a PM to warn me rather than brand me spammy outright and say things that aren't nice. Mods are supposed to moderate and not to lord it over other members.

    THIS folder (JOBS) as I understand (or due to lack of folder description herein) says that if anyone has a job offer or needs jobs - they can post. Now, based on the number of people who post in this folder (and got banned or talked down later) really did not have a clear description. This could have been remedied by just putting a big HEY PAY BEFORE YOU ADVERTISE or PLEASE PROCEED TO OUR ADVERTISING FOLDER (with fee)...or something.

    Oh well, I guess I am just in the wrong forum. Frankly, I was searching for forums about Filipinos abroad as our media company would later launch a communication highway from which OFWs and Filipino migrants can freely communicate with their families here and how we can gauge their needs. Visa processing, laws, psychology-related venues, etc. One example of such programs is the availment of cellphone that is GPRS capable (for sailors' wives to monitor the whereabouts of their husbands).

    I am here in the forum to have a look-see, while trying to participate in the forum. You can say that I am a decoy for a test market for the betterment of the nipped in the bud.

    (myassyourplace is not exactly nice words and gives me wrong impressions about the people who think and write that way. I am sorry for Filipinos also who find this forum with the word filipino on the domain and yet find that this place is not warm to filipinos - unless they are looking for uk based partners)

    Thank you. (I can't say I had a good time.)

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Denbigh, United Kingdom
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    The Pay before you advertise is in the T&C you agreed to when joining this forum. It also mentions you need permission to post a link, especially if you're a nebie.

    filipino on the domain and yet find that this place is not warm to filipinos
    Look around ya blind ape. Do you see any monaing unhappy Filipino's on here? Nope, you see happy ones who have been helped in some way by either this site or Pete's.

    I think it's more YOU that can't fit in. You are arrogant, break rules, seem not to understand simple T&C, and think what you do is of some importance to us.

    This is a UK forum....why the hell would we want a job in Canada anyway? Can you not use an Atlas??

    You can say that I am a decoy for a test market for the betterment of the Filipinos
    Not doing a good job then!!!

    Mod walesrob there branded me spammy and that I should get lost:
    Probably not a bad idea after reading this drivel you just posted.

    Have a nice day.....mine will be glorious even if I drop dead

    Keith - Administrator

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