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Thread: British Citizenship

  1. #1
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Question British Citizenship

    I just wondered if anyone here knows the answer to this question. Next year we want to apply for British citizenship for my wife and step-daughter when my wife has lived in this country for three years. The problem is that my step-daughter will only have been here for just over two years by then. I know this this process requires two separate applications anyway, but will we have to wait until my step-daughter has been here for three years as well before we can submit an application on her behalf.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    me thinks you need to be 18 or over to apply for naturalisation.

    but for under 18's its possible to Register as British, when your wife applies for Naturalisation the child details should be entered on to the form in the appropriate place. So when the parent gets Naturalisation the child will get Registered as British.

    The difference between Naturalisation and Registration? Once granted, effectively none at all. However at the application stage there are differences. For example no Citizenship Test needs to be taken by anyone to be Registered as British.

    cost of naturalisation for the wife is i think £655
    registration for your stepdaughter i think is £400.

    but you better check what i've said is correct with ukba

  3. #3
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    joe you really such an angel here,even u are not sure w/ your reply but its really enlighten all of us here ,soooooo helpful

    i know u don't need that one i give you,but just to show how we appreciate you so much

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    I say I'm not sure, because i wouldn't want anyone to pay the price for my old age, poor memory !. you should always check with the relevant authority, but when i say I'm not sure, i am sure, but not sure enough ! hahaha

  5. #5
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Cheers Joe,
    I'm glad that it doesn't involve 2 separate applications at least. I took it for granted that there would be 2 fees.

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