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Thread: Annulment Documents for Visa?

  1. #1
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    Annulment Documents for Visa?


    I just wonder if anyone can give advice with the documents needed to prove an annulment has happened. This is for a forthcoming Visa application.

    We have an annotated Marriage Certificate (On NSO paper) , and we have the court order from the judge. What documents has anyone here provided for a Visa application when they have been annulled?

    Also, should the NSO documents be proof enough if ever I was cited for adultery? I am probably being overcautious here.

    We asked for a CENOMAR, but it still shows one marriage (despite the annulment). Although I presume that is correct.

    Serious replies only please. I am all for a little bit of fun and games, but some things are a bit more serious for the poster.

    Thanks in advance


  2. #2
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Hi Ady glad to hear your long and hard waiting is nearly over

    Hope you both enjoy your "fun and games" sorry I cant contribute to answering your questions but as one who knows when its time to be serious let me reiterate your desire for no humour here

  3. #3
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    The order of the court Ady,that was a good evidence that the previous marriage was already nulled and void,and also if u ask from the NSO a copy of the person if she/he married to any. if any......then on the result will appear also that her/his previous marriage was annulled,so u said u ask for cenomar w/c still married,then ask the officer from NSO why despite of the court order they haven't change the status of the said person,how long the decision given already?

    Goodluck Ady,

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the message Keith.

    Jedc - Can you help clarify please? If you are annulled, did you get a CENOMAR? My gf has it for her, and shows her one marriage...

    1 Marriage found for Sheila, daughter of x and y... yielded 1 result in our National Indices of Marriages

    It then shows the date of marriage/place/ and names of married couple.

    There is nothing on this document (CENOMAR) to show that the marriage was declared null and void, just that a marriage took place - but it shows on the marriage certificate also issued by NSO.

    Hope it makes sense... and thanks very much if you can clarify.

  5. #5
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    Sorry for the late reply Ady,yes let say I am annulled,and I can get CENOMAR stating that i am married,how ever its normal cause CENOMAR in the Phil stated that u been married so the only evidence you are annulled are the order of the court (1) and a copy of marriage contract stating that this marriage has nulled and void (2)

    For clarification it didn't stated on CENOMAR the word null and void,but on MC(marriage contract) it says,hope its clear to you now

    P.s if you both gonna get marry on the future,u can get copy of cenomar again stating your wife married twice

  6. #6
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    Thanks Jedc - that is more or less what I thought.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    At last the long wait is over. How long did it take?

    When i applied for my visa i submitted the Entry of Judgement. It is sufficient for it was stated......
    Wherefore premises considered, judgement is hereby rendered:
    1. Declaring the marriage between xxx and yyy void ab initio...

    Same was presented in the Registry Office here in England.

    The Court seal is important.
    Best of luck to you both.
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  8. #8
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    I will check about the court seal... I didn't see it there per se. But there is a stamp from the civil registrar, and the MC seems correctly updated by NSO. I have the court order, and the NSO updated MC. What would the court seal look like?

    I send you a pm too - thanks ever so much.

  9. #9
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    The Court Seal appears on the lower left side of the front page and it is embossed (stands out in the surface)and no color of ink. The Trial Court usually issues the finality without the Court Seal. You can request from them.
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  10. #10
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    That may explain it then, because our certificate of finality has no seal, but we can request a stamp from the court, or request a copy on a stamped paper?

  11. #11
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Yes request another copy with the Court Seal. You should have the original copy not photocopy of the stamped document. I hope this helps. God Bless.....
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  12. #12
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    Thanks Itsme_iye.

    Our finality is not on a paper with a court seal - so we have to request that. I think that clears it. Many thanks for your help the last day or two.

  13. #13
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    You're welcome Ady. Best of luck to both of you.
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
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  14. #14
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    The Annulment Finality document from the court where the annulment was granted. It a one page document, sealed and signed by the judge. Both parties should get one original copy each.

  15. #15
    Respected Member mavid's Avatar
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    Would like to nudge it back...

    Quote Originally Posted by itsme_iye View Post
    At last the long wait is over. How long did it take?

    When i applied for my visa i submitted the Entry of Judgement. It is sufficient for it was stated......
    Wherefore premises considered, judgement is hereby rendered:
    1. Declaring the marriage between xxx and yyy void ab initio...

    Same was presented in the Registry Office here in England.

    The Court seal is important.
    Best of luck to you both.

    I would like to nudge this back...because it's a very good information that I overlooked.

    For me and Simplelife..... who until now after 2 to almost 3 years in the waiting for our Annulment.

    Very Please to know that one can apply using Entry of Judgment alone.

    Thank you Ms. Itsme_iye....who have helped me during my visit visa applications...and now valuable info for future applications.

  16. #16
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    Best of luck to you, Ady. And good info, itsme_iye
    Just wonder, what if someone got married to Philippines and Hongkong to same person but anly got divorce in Hongkong and never had an annulment in Philippines, will divorce paper/document from Hongkong valid enough to apply for settlement visa? This is the case of my cousin whose been worrying on this matter for quite some time now.
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  17. #17
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    registered the divorce in manila,show the document where they get married and from then the local registrar will forwarded it to NSO,it is valid , my friend divorce from japan she just show the divorce paper (documents) at LCR and so they forwarded it to NSO......boom she have it

    oppsss sorry Ady,have to reply singkit on her query

  18. #18
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    Haha, it is ok... I just noticed this has got back up the food chain. And yes, thanks for some very good information that helps not just us, but other forum users.

    In our case, she had a finality, signed by the acting clerk, just confirming that the Judgment issued 1 month earlier has become final and executory in that there is no appeal or reconsideration. We also had a copy of the Marriage Certificate stating that the marriage is declared null and void, and a copy of the said court order signed by the Judge.

    All of this is included in our application. As the ECO guidance states

    "You should warn anyone going to the United Kingdom for marriage who has previously been married, or is aged 16 or 17, that he/she may be required to provide the registrar with evidence of freedom to marry before the Registrar can accept a notice of marriage. Where you have doubts about an applicant’s intention to marry/register a civil partnership, you should ask to see this evidence before issuing an entry clearance. The kind of evidence you will need to see is as follows:

    * Widowed person: death certificate of the late spouse.
    * Surviving civil partner: death certificate of the deceased civil partner.
    * Divorced person: evidence of divorce, e.g. divorce certificate. (This must be a decree absolute not a decree nisi. This will be stated on the order from the Family Court - a person is legally divorced until the absolute is issued)."

    Now, our finality didn't read decree absolute, nor decree nisi. I am completely dumb to some of the legalities, but I guess the above (in our case, and in the case of others in this situation) will be satisfactory.

  19. #19
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    Its alright Ady,because we don't have divorce,and its understood that we can provide annulment decision,finality etc.etc. if shie had that annulment it is understood that "with evidence of freedom to marry" ..i cant see any reason that u need to worry about shie annulment(finality) papers..just go,go,go

  20. #20
    Respected Member D&G's Avatar
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    im just wondering po if anyone here paid 3000pesos for annulment registration at the LCR? and another 300pesos for endorsement?

  21. #21
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    D&G do u have attorney (lawyer)? Its not the way it process ,u know...mine i didn't pay all those, its package deal,if the lawyer asked, let say 150k (that was the normal price for annulment ) so everything was paid by atty. like psychiatrist, registering it to the court,etc.etc.
    If you are just asking someone, especially if she/he not a certified lawyer(board passer) there is possibility that even they legally doing it but it might cost u loads
    They gonna ask a certain lawyer but they might have some kickbacks
    So be aware my dear
    Go straight to a certified lawyer
    Where u from?

  22. #22
    Respected Member D&G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    D&G do u have attorney (lawyer)? Its not the way it process ,u know...mine i didn't pay all those, its package deal,if the lawyer asked, let say 150k (that was the normal price for annulment ) so everything was paid by atty. like psychiatrist, registering it to the court,etc.etc.
    If you are just asking someone, especially if she/he not a certified lawyer(board passer) there is possibility that even they legally doing it but it might cost u loads
    They gonna ask a certain lawyer but they might have some kickbacks
    So be aware my dear
    Go straight to a certified lawyer
    Where u from?

    Im from Leyte. Yup i have a lawyer and she is a certified lawyer...i filed the petition for the declaration of nullity of marriage late December 04 petition was granted late 2007wohoo! but i only got the certificate of finality or the final decree from the court early this year. Now, im wondering bcoz when i went to the LCR they were asking me for some more money 3300pesos. I was surprised and told them i'll just be is really perplexing the way our authorities do things. I thought i was done with the paying here and there. I hope this is not another corruption.

  23. #23
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    Oh yeah ,i got you,yes i paid some again to registered it in LCR but not that much,i guess its just more then 1 thousand bucks,sigh but that was province,just make sure they will give u receipt come from the municipal's office

  24. #24
    Respected Member D&G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    Oh yeah ,i got you,yes i paid some again to registered it in LCR but not that much,i guess its just more then 1 thousand bucks,sigh but that was province,just make sure they will give u receipt come from the municipal's office

    oh ok.. thank u for the info. I was just reluctant to pay as i wasnt expecting to pay more... they seem to not have standard fees in their office because i noticed the lady wrote down some amount in a small paper 3 times and seemed unsure of how much they really charge for it.

    Well, anyways as u said i should get a receipt when i pay for it. thanks again

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