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Thread: im so!

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    im so!

    hi everyone,,,im so worried about my brit fiance. Recession in the uk now and jobs are very quiet in fact he only got 1 day of work for this week He said if this goes on , he might lose his house, no money to pay for bills. He has no savings because he always visits me here every 3 months, and he's been here 5(five) times in one and half year. Just when we are about to start our plans ,getting married next year and he moving here and this happens.
    we are so down and worried, we were chatting earlier and i was helping him browsing the net to find work i'm scared what will happen to us if this goes on. He said its really bad in the uk now, not alot of work.

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fhars View Post
    Dont worry I'm sure he'll find another job soon... .
    Do you know something the rest of us don't?

    Within the next few weeks another 50,000 will hit the dole queues, Woolies and it's other companies may account for 35,000, and it is going to get much worse. This is not just a UK problem, it is worldwide, but in the UK many businesses have survived on credit!

    House prices are expected to fall another 15% in the next year, but he shouldn't lose the house as the government have put in place a few things with the banks.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fhars View Post
    Dont worry I'm sure he'll find another job soon... Ask him to register on a recruitment agency in his area.
    He is already registered to agencies , but theres not alot of jobs.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by maganda View Post
    hi everyone,,,im so worried about my brit fiance. Recession in the uk now and jobs are very quiet in fact he only got 1 day of work for this week He said if this goes on , he might lose his house, no money to pay for bills. He has no savings because he always visits me here every 3 months, and he's been here 5(five) times in one and half year. Just when we are about to start our plans ,getting married next year and he moving here and this happens.
    we are so down and worried, we were chatting earlier and i was helping him browsing the net to find work i'm scared what will happen to us if this goes on. He said its really bad in the uk now, not alot of work.
    Hi Maganda,
    You are not alone, a lot of people really suffering these days. Just be strong and keep lifting up your Fiance`s spirit. Do not be dismayed, Im sure he will find job soon and will be able to save more money. Cheer up.

  5. #5
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    To be on the safe side, I am applying for a taxi driver's badge, and already have an employer lined up.
    At the same time I have arranged an interview with a big national company for next week. This came totally as a surprise, I wasn't even counting on them phoning me up.
    None of those alternatives would interfere with my wine sales as I could do them in the evening thus ensuring some kind of income coming in.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    [size=4]To be on the safe side, I am applying for a taxi driver's badge, and already have an employer lined up...

    Thats a good idea , i will tell my fiance about it maybe he can apply as taxi driver too he's a truckdriver.


  7. #7
    Respected Member PAT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    [SIZE=4]To be on the safe side, I am applying for a taxi driver's badge, and already have an employer lined up...

    Thats a good idea , i will tell my fiance about it maybe he can apply as taxi driver too he's a truckdriver.

    Keep up your spirit friend as your fiance really needs your encouragement

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by maganda View Post

    Keep up your spirit friend as your fiance really needs your encouragement

    Thnx friend. Im trying my best to lift my spirits. He is so down, i keep trying to encourage him not to give up. He said its doing his head in. If the worst will happen, he go bankrupt and lose his house. It scares me everytime he said it.

  9. #9
    Respected Member PAT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PAT View Post

    Thnx friend. Im trying my best to lift my spirits. He is so down, i keep trying to encourage him not to give up. He said its doing his head in. If the worst will happen, he go bankrupt and lose his house. It scares me everytime he said it.
    i understand how you feel, but things will be settled in due time, what important is both of you will stand together hand in hand. Just pray,have faith and believe it.

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    To be on the safe side, I am applying for a taxi driver's badge, and already have an employer lined up.
    my nephew has just quit being a taxi driver at night, not a good job dom, he's had to punch a few 'customers' for kicking his car, threatening him, trying to run off without paying, and he's a big lad you wouldn't pick a fight with..

    the car, radio cost so much to hire you would need to work long hours

    depending on how long your b/f has been at his current job, it might not be a good idea to quit and find aonther job yet, as he might be entitled to redundancy pay from either work or from the gov insolvency service if his works goes bust, maybe he can find a part time job for a while..

  11. #11
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maganda View Post
    He has no savings because he always visits me here every 3 months, and he's been here 5(five) times in one and half year. Just when we are about to start our plans ,getting married next year and he moving here and this happens.
    watta waste of money travelling every 3 months.I know that you are both happy if you spend your time togerther but sacrifice really is important for both of you.I know its too late now but should either of you thought about this before or even you could tell your beloved before that instead of travelling back and forth every 3 months why not save instead for your future together.I mean once or twice a year would be reasonable enough.I mean in my late 20`s I take care of my money like a middle age woman I know majority people in U.K suffered with this credit crunch because bank had offered them a quick cash i.e (credit card) and spend a lot of money that they never thought they couldnt afford I know some of us as well spend on most expensive clothes and handbags but at the end they never really needed it mojority of us like showing off of the things we have got.I mean whats the purpose.I must admit before when I was a student I like expensive stuff and branded gear that my classmates own and my mum always reminded me that its not good wanting things that is not important at that I could afford those things I feel guilty coz I always thought about how many people needed the money for food and yet here I am buying things that is not important and not making me happy.I am not making a sermon herejust trying to make sense
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  12. #12
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    .....I am not making a sermon here .....
    Amen to that
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #13
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Amen to that
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  14. #14
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    watta waste of money travelling every 3 months.I know that you are both happy if you spend your time togerther but sacrifice really is important for both of you.I know its too late now but should either of you thought about this before or even you could tell your beloved before that instead of travelling back and forth every 3 months why not save instead for your future together.I mean once or twice a year would be reasonable enough.I mean in my late 20`s I take care of my money like a middle age woman I know majority people in U.K suffered with this credit crunch because bank had offered them a quick cash i.e (credit card) and spend a lot of money that they never thought they couldnt afford I know some of us as well spend on most expensive clothes and handbags but at the end they never really needed it mojority of us like showing off of the things we have got.I mean whats the purpose.I must admit before when I was a student I like expensive stuff and branded gear that my classmates own and my mum always reminded me that its not good wanting things that is not important at that I could afford those things I feel guilty coz I always thought about how many people needed the money for food and yet here I am buying things that is not important and not making me happy.I am not making a sermon herejust trying to make sense
    same here and now my new job is coming soon and need to save more money for the future
    all things are possible!

  15. #15
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vbkelly View Post
    same here and now my new job is coming soon and need to save more money for the future
    goodluck t bhing
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  16. #16
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    goodluck t bhing
    thanks wheela
    all things are possible!

  17. #17
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    watta waste of money travelling every 3 months.I know that you are both happy if you spend your time togerther but sacrifice really is important for both of you.I know its too late now but should either of you thought about this before or even you could tell your beloved before that instead of travelling back and forth every 3 months why not save instead for your future together.I mean once or twice a year would be reasonable enough.I mean in my late 20`s I take care of my money like a middle age woman I know majority people in U.K suffered with this credit crunch because bank had offered them a quick cash i.e (credit card) and spend a lot of money that they never thought they couldnt afford I know some of us as well spend on most expensive clothes and handbags but at the end they never really needed it mojority of us like showing off of the things we have got.I mean whats the purpose.I must admit before when I was a student I like expensive stuff and branded gear that my classmates own and my mum always reminded me that its not good wanting things that is not important at that I could afford those things I feel guilty coz I always thought about how many people needed the money for food and yet here I am buying things that is not important and not making me happy.I am not making a sermon herejust trying to make sense
    You have a point wheela
    SACRIFICE is the KEY word
    And buying what is only essential is the best thing to do in this tough time

  18. #18
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    STay strong for ur fiancee. There is always a way for everything.
    Have faith

  19. #19
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ann07 View Post
    You have a point wheela
    SACRIFICE is the KEY word
    And buying what is only essential is the best thing to do in this tough time
    you`re good on summarizing ann
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  20. #20
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    you`re good on summarizing ann
    Thanks wheela I dont realize that

  21. #21
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    That is what i am trying to point it out Mrs Daddy,nauna ka lng mg post ,I will share you my thoughts,Before I am dying my lovey dovey to visit me always in PI,and as we all know,if they visit us,they are the one who's spending the expenses,buy things,go somewhere etc...etc... but we all know that if we applied for our visa,we need their reference of how much their savings(to show for the ECO) and so the problem will come,keep visiting ,so the savings gone,we are happy if they bought us things,paying holiday and lot more,too late to realize that we are in trouble on the future for applying settlement visa because lack of savings

    Glad we don't have trouble on that,
    Just a sisterly advice,don't let them spend too much,if u love him enough

    Or let him spend if you not serious to him oopppsss
    Anyway I am speaking in general,not just specifically on your case
    And wishing u both will sort it out in the soonest time

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by maganda View Post

    Thnx friend. Im trying my best to lift my spirits. He is so down, i keep trying to encourage him not to give up. He said its doing his head in. If the worst will happen, he go bankrupt and lose his house. It scares me everytime he said it.
    Sorry to hear your news sis but I'm a bit wondering why your fiance so negative about his situation and makes you bothered a lot considering he's been with you many times here in Phil. that i must conclude he really loves you a lot Anyway sis I hope it will sort it out soon just be strong whatever risk happen

    btw if you don't mind may i ask what's his age?
    Don't make promises when you are in JOY. Don't reply when you are SAD.
    Don't take decisions when you are ANGRY. Think twice, Act wise. BE happy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    That is what i am trying to point it out Mrs Daddy,nauna ka lng mg post ,I will share you my thoughts,Before I am dying my lovey dovey to visit me always in PI,and as we all know,if they visit us,they are the one who's spending the expenses,buy things,go somewhere etc...etc... but we all know that if we applied for our visa,we need their reference of how much their savings(to show for the ECO) and so the problem will come,keep visiting ,so the savings gone,we are happy if they bought us things,paying holiday and lot more,too late to realize that we are in trouble on the future for applying settlement visa because lack of savings

    Glad we don't have trouble on that,
    Just a sisterly advice,don't let them spend too much,if u love him enough

    Or let him spend if you not serious to him oopppsss

    Its not a waste of money everytime he visits me here because we are together and were very happy. Theres no price to match that. we cannot last if we dont see each other for months it breaks my heart everytime i see my fiance on cam saying he misses me alot and he needs to be with me.

    I understnd what u were tryign to say that we have to be practical and make sacrifices for our future, yes we talked about that. We will not have problems with visa because he's moving here in Philippines soon. He selling his house and everything in uk and move here. Its just so hard at the mo because jobs are getting scarce. I know everything will be sorted soon, were not losing hope i keep cheering up my bf and not letting him know that im so down too and very worried.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kukurokuk View Post
    Sorry to hear your news sis but I'm a bit wondering why your fiance so negative about his situation and makes you bothered a lot considering he's been with you many times here in Phil. that i must conclude he really loves you a lot Anyway sis I hope it will sort it out soon just be strong whatever risk happen

    btw if you don't mind may i ask what's his age?

    he's 38, im 33 yrs old.

    He is worried because we have big plans next year, marraige, and he moving here, buying or building our dream house.

  25. #25
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maganda View Post
    he's 38, im 33 yrs old.

    He is worried because we have big plans next year, marraige, and he moving here, buying or building our dream house.

    Cheer up and Goodluck
    Don't make promises when you are in JOY. Don't reply when you are SAD.
    Don't take decisions when you are ANGRY. Think twice, Act wise. BE happy.

  26. #26
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maganda View Post
    he's 38, im 33 yrs old.

    He is worried because we have big plans next year, marraige, and he moving here, buying or building our dream house.

    If you two are planning to have a grand wedding try to be practical enough instead of having a big wedding why not go for a civil ceremony and for the reception an eat all you can buffet in a restaurant (thats what my wedding liked way back two years ago) and a lot of friends said why i didnt have a grand wedding like just other filipina who married a foreigner but i just told them am different and its just a waste of money a hundreds of thousands of pesos for just few hours of showing off.Even if hubbys paying for the expenses i am guilty for him doing that.I know its every girls dream walking down the aisle with white virginal dress,but its alright
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  27. #27
    Respected Member gemini63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ann07 View Post
    You have a point wheela
    SACRIFICE is the KEY word
    And buying what is only essential is the best thing to do in this tough time

  28. #28
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ann07 View Post
    SACRIFICE is the KEY word
    Definitely.....I'll get the blunt hold the Manc down
    Keith - Administrator

  29. #29
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Definitely.....I'll get the blunt hold the Manc down

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by maganda View Post
    hi everyone,,,im so worried about my brit fiance. Recession in the uk now and jobs are very quiet in fact he only got 1 day of work for this week He said if this goes on , he might lose his house, no money to pay for bills. He has no savings because he always visits me here every 3 months, and he's been here 5(five) times in one and half year. Just when we are about to start our plans ,getting married next year and he moving here and this happens.
    we are so down and worried, we were chatting earlier and i was helping him browsing the net to find work i'm scared what will happen to us if this goes on. He said its really bad in the uk now, not alot of work.
    I think you hubby shared his problems with you because he is expecting good advise from you and not to make you feel worry. Like the Admin said, he will not loose his house for sure as governnment and banks have agreements for that. If he loose his job, he can receive benefits from DOLE. If I were you, Don't worry too much but think for some steps to get rid of this economy crisis. You can budget your wedding into a civil one, it is still legal . About his moving in the Philippines, you both need to think about that a hundred times. My hubby are also planning to move asap but he's only 51 and he wants early retiment. But we have agreement now about our plans. I believe that wife has good role to her husband, and if husband listens to his wife, then everything will be fine. If he wants to visits you oftentimes, try to give advise and explain to him about your idea if he really needs to go and visit you. It is very easy to apply loans here but after you've got it, then here comes the worries
    When I met my hubby, he said he's still in debt He worked 7 years in the Royal Army, 15 years in driving London Bus and I couldn't believe he's still in debt. He's back to his Mom and tried to improve himself after being separated to his Girlfriend. I made plans for him and thanks God he is a good listener. I told him to study and he did, I told him to upgrade his driving license into HGV CLASS 1 if he really loves driving. He got good jobs 5 years ago after he listened to me and pursue his driving career. I allowed him to visit me in Pinas but I wanted 2 months so he can save some dosh for his ticket Now, he paid all his debts and and he feels different now. Unlike when he was in debt, he hate the world.
    Hope this will give you ideas as two heads are better than one

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