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Thread: How can a co-sponsor help?

  1. #1
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    Lightbulb How can a co-sponsor help?

    Hello Everyone,

    This is Skye I joined the forum about a month ago, my husband-to-be is in Scotland where we met while I was on vacation and we have been in the process of getting a fiancee visa for me now that I am back in the Philippines.

    This forum was extremely helpful in explaining what we have to do and put together for the application. In our case, we have most of the documents already (P60, accomodation in the UK, evidence of a relationship and all that good stuff) and our big hurdle right now is that we have to show 6 months worth of bank statements. In my previous posts, my fiance was still in the red so, as sponsor, we realized (even if I had savings of my own enough to support me in the 6 months before the wedding where I will not be allowed to work) we would have to WAIT to build his bank statements as sponsor and would have to postpone the application until the 6 months are up. Building that up, plus the months that it will take to process the application meant that we would not be seeing each other for a LONG while and that really got us sad. I stay up until 1am here in Manila until he gets home from work and we talk a couple of hours everyday, thank God for skype!

    The good news is, he is finally in the black He's been staying home, saving money and been trying his best to get out of his overdraft-- he is so sweet So we can start counting in October and hopefully apply in 6 months when his statements show a steady increase in his bank account which will hopefully have over 2k by March. It just seems so far away though. We really miss each other and the time difference is a bit hard to deal with since he has a 9 to 5 and he is stressed about getting get his finances up to a level that will be enough to support the application. He was so stressed about the sponsorship that he actually shared it with his boss. When his boss heard the story, he said that he will be willing to help and have the company in North Berwick(boss owns the small company) co-sponsor my application if need be. I was floored, the goodwill of people is just such a welcome surprise in times like these.

    My question is... if his company co-sponsors my application, will this speed up our wait in any way? And can a company itself be co-sponsor or should this be an individual/ the boss personally because the boss would rather have the company co-sponsor if possible since he has his own private bank statements. And if anybody has ever gone through this, has any advice or can share what paperwork a co-sponsor has to provide, this will be greatly appreciated. My fiance does not have any family members that can co-sponsor and his company is our best shot.

    We really miss each other and every month in this waiting game counts. I just wish I could put in my application today.

    Any advice will be welcome. Regards and to everyone in this forum

    PS: Been emailing Camille Sheryl but still have not managed to reach her re: savings of the applicant to help the application)

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    He's been staying home, saving money and been trying his best to get out of his overdraft
    So sweet......and mature.....and when you get to the UK knock seven kinds of poop out of him for being so negligent in the first place

    My question is... if his company co-sponsors my application, will this speed up our wait in any way?
    It gives Mr fiancee more credibilty, and does help. To ensure a fast passiing of the visa, you need to make sure EVERYTHING is in order. Take note to the bit about not using binders, they just take everything out and sell them out the backdoor!!!

    Also try and get an official letter confirming you are a nice person, from your employer, doctor, etc, as that also helps. In fact as many references as possible for both of you hep, that includes parents. It also shows you're putting effort into the visa process.....they like that

    Look on the bright'll miss our wonderful -10 winter, and buying all his folk Xmas presents
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Hi Skype

    I am just new to this.My fiance also is from Scotland but he is now in berwick upon tweed.I just file my fiance visa last month.The best thing for you to do is to call the UKVACS for more info.You can reach them at (02)751370-56.They will enetertain all your queastions or you can visit their website.

    Yeah i agree with the posting.You have to include all the personal details for both of you that will help in the processing your papers.That really proves that you are a nice person thought it was not listed in the requirement form.It is a great help.

    Good luck to you.


  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access) lara1018's Avatar
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    Hi Skye!

    I'm glad things are moving forward for you. Keith is right about the binders, if you do use them, don't think you'll get them back!

    I was in a similar problem before I applied for my spouse visa to the UK. PJ (my husband) had been working overseas (Aus and the Philippines) for a few years and he didn't have a great bank account statement. Something to do with paying a mortgage in £s in earning in Pesos, not so good exchange rate-wise!

    So he had to go back the UK and get a job before we could apply for my visa. Fortunately, he had property so that must have helped push the application through?? But he had only been at his job a week when we applied for my visa. Just wanted to share my experience to give you a bit of assurance that things do work out even if bank statements don't look as healthy as you'd like.

    Keith is also correct in that you should include stuff about you. I included my certificates and transcripts from when I graduated and did my masters degree. I included bank statements, deeds from property that were in my name. Basically anything that can give them a picture that you're a decent person. They're just afraid you'll resort to using "public funds" and as long as you can prove otherwise, you're in! I know of a girl who even put in her NBI clearance!!
    My application went through in just a couple of weeks!

    Best of luck to you and your fiance. Be happy that you'll miss the winter, I arrived in the winter and it was not nice. Not nice at all.


  5. #5
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Put in all the Paperwork in you can is my advice.

    A letter from his employer would be great saying what a good worker he is this should help to show job security.

    My Wife had in her paperwork NBI clearance, and other local paperwork which i have forgotten the name of which showed she had paid all her taxes up to that date etc. We added certficates and reports from her education.

    Swamped them in information they can't then say oh we need to check your nbi clerance or oh we need to check that you have this qualfication you claim to have etc.

    Regarding co sponsering im pretty sure they can't be used in uk applications, its down to just the sponser and the applicant. I might be wrong and its worth reading the UK visas website (which has huge amounts of information on it if you have the time (i myself spent hours reading it at the time of our application)

    One way they might be able to help if they could help you find work.

    With regards to camille sheryls application she wrote details which were most useful on at least two websites the links to i don't have at the moment on this pc.

    But basically with regards to her savings she just showed proof she had them (ie her bank statments) which were good enough it appears for the british embassy.

    Im not sure what others think but if your hubby is just in the black and it can be shown his account is going in the right direction your savings should show yo can support yourself and him if required too!!

    Maybe others can clarify but its both the sponser and applicants combined assets which are being assessed?

  6. #6
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    Thank you so much for your advice and comments. Greatly appreciated! Will try and get all the paperwork in order. I guess you're right, missing the winter might be a blessing in disguise!

    Take care everyone, warm regards!

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