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Thread: why are they all from the south??

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  1. #1
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    why are they all from the south??

    Hello evrybody,,

    I am still looking through Filipina at ther moment trying to find a nice girl,,, its going quite well but ,,all the ones i seem to meet and start some regular contact with are all from the south.

    is there a pattern here or am i having begginers bad luck ???


  2. #2
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jakeob
    Hello evrybody,,

    I am still looking through Filipina at ther moment trying to find a nice girl,,, its going quite well but ,,all the ones i seem to meet and start some regular contact with are all from the south.

    is there a pattern here or am i having begginers bad luck ???

    When you say the girls that are contacting you are from the south what part of the south of the Philippines are you talking about?

    I would not go to the south or south west of mindanao but apart from that then its fine.

    My wife is from Northern Mindanao which is fine!!!!

  3. #3
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    South does it include Davao? janice is from northern mindanao
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  4. #4
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotsfiancee
    South does it include Davao? janice is from northern mindanao
    Davao is south east mindanao.

    As far as i am aware it is a safe place but you just have to be careful...

    Anyone i have heard of that has been there has never had any problems but if i remember correctly i think the embassy says you need to take care when visiting there.

  5. #5
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Davao is safe, though its really huge city.. you pass davao del sur if your going to kidapawan city, north cotobato. It depends were you going into. Not all places in mindanao are not safe., i wonder why people are too exaggirated about it, infact alot of foriegners are coming here and even lived.............
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  6. #6
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    I guess there is a concern about the islamic terrorists but that really is only where i said where i certainly would not go. Mindanao has got a bad name because of this but as i have said on the forum before people were put of coming to Northern Ireland during the troubles when actually most of the country was a very safe place to travel

  7. #7
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    Well some girls said there from davao and another from general santos city,,, I have just been working on the babsis if they they say there in the south, i tend to be less intrested in them.

    Obviously i am being to general with my geography, i am not one for being to security concious when traveling around the world but saying that i dont want to get involved with a girl who lives next door to a "al kyeda" traing camp

    So i should try to avoid south and south west mundano (Ithink thats how you spell it)??

    Personaly i have read posts about the taxi drivers that have been know to deliver one to muslim terrorists,if your not carfull,,and also being kept safe while walking the streets by ones girlfriends large brothers. I wouldnt like to have to need bodyguards,,or worry about my taxi driver to be honest. I wonder if thes storeys relate to the southern hotspots,,or many parts of the Philippines


  8. #8
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jakeob
    Well some girls said there from davao and another from general santos city,,, I have just been working on the babsis if they they say there in the south, i tend to be less intrested in them. neil
    We do have few members here who got married a davaonea like baboyako, Byang, erve.. from general santos only gensanbritish i know so far.
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  9. #9
    Member janice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jakeob
    Well some girls said there from davao and another from general santos city,,, I have just been working on the babsis if they they say there in the south, i tend to be less intrested in them.
    You are generalizing mindanao! Is that your number one list from the qualities you are looking for in a girl?

    1. Not from MINDANAO
    2. ETC
    3. ETC
    AND SO ON.......

    Usually, places with muslims are safer than those with all are christians because terrorist are mostly muslims and they are hesitate to kill fellow muslims. Mindanao is not what you think is worst. Yeah, places with travel advisory are I think dangerous. What if you really have a good feeling about the girl but she's from mindanao? Are you just going to let her go? There are some other ways for you two to meet in person. I mean, if you want to commit for someone, it's not just about feelings also, you have to take the risk. You might just missed your soulmate just because you're afraid she's from mindanao. Anyway, jakeob, it's stilll your choice. I hope you can find your true love. Good luck and God bless!

    More power to this site! God bless us all always!!

  10. #10
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by janice
    You are generalizing mindanao! Is that your number one list from the qualities you are looking for in a girl?

    1. Not from MINDANAO
    2. ETC
    3. ETC
    AND SO ON.......

    Usually, places with muslims are safer than those with all are christians because terrorist are mostly muslims and they are hesitate to kill fellow muslims. Mindanao is not what you think is worst. Yeah, places with travel advisory are I think dangerous. What if you really have a good feeling about the girl but she's from mindanao? Are you just going to let her go? There are some other ways for you two to meet in person. I mean, if you want to commit for someone, it's not just about feelings also, you have to take the risk. You might just missed your soulmate just because you're afraid she's from mindanao. Anyway, jakeob, it's stilll your choice. I hope you can find your true love. Good luck and God bless!

    More power to this site! God bless us all always!!
    Hi Neil,
    My wife comes from Cagayan De Oro which is in Northern Mindanao and I've been there twice now. I have also visited parts of the surrounding area and although, after reading the British Government's travel advice for Mindanao, I was initially quite worried about going there. But all I can say to you is, once there, I always felt completely safe wherever we went both day and night, which is something I can't honestly say about some of the areas I have been to in the UK.

  11. #11
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    The thing that I hear all the time when people i tell about Mindanao is that, "It must be scary because it is so dangerous there". Actually, that is really far from the truth. Yes, there are places in Mindanao that are quite dangerous, but the majority of the island is safe.

    We cannot erased its history about Mindanao..MILF.. i think terorist are everywhere in this world...

    This is a recent travel advisory: We strongly advise you not to travel to Mindanao, including the Zamboanga Peninsula and the Sulu Archipelago because of the very high threat of terrorist attack, including kidnapping.

    " Recent credible reporting indicates terrorists may be in the advanced stages of planning to attack places frequented by foreigners such as restaurants, shopping malls including Mega Malls, hotels, hostels, guesthouses, bars or clubs in major population centres, including but not limited to Cagayan de Oro City, Davao City, General Santos City, Cotobato and Pagadian. If you are in these areas you should consider leaving. "

    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  12. #12
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Bad points:
    1. It's very brown.....
    2. It's very brown.....
    3. It's very brown.....
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #13
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Brown, skin color? don't know what u mean Keith..............
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  14. #14
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Roads are brown....houses are brown.....Davao river is brown.....

    A nice bit of white paint would work wonders (obviously not in the river though )
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #15
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    Yeh get your point Janice,,, if you think a persons worth the risk then you should take the risk and go meet her, i can understand that,,, but what i was realy asking was, is there places in the Philippines that are so dangerous for uk men to visit, that it could be a not such a good idea to start any corrospondance with a girl from this area,,,

    i do take your point the south is a big place and its only small parts of the south that could be deemed as dangerous,,,so i wont be as general in future when i am reading profiles



  16. #16
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    Hi Ian thanks for the advice ,,i am glad you found it to be safe when you was there,, but i cant help looking at the that recent travel warning posted by scotsfiance, i have to say it reads pretty scarry stuff,, cant help wondering if things are getting worse at the moment?

    but anyway i will worry about it when and if i need to go there

    thanks neil

  17. #17
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Chances of anything happening is less than being hit by a car in the UK, but you must be aware of all posibilities whenever you visit a new country.

    You are more likely to be mugged in Manila than Davao, you are more likely to be shot in Nottingham than Davao. If you go to Nottingham, you stay in public areas in the daylight.....same thing when visiting any place you don't know.

    I went to Davao not long after 9/11 so it was pretty much lock-down for Westerners. As with all cities, it also depends what part you're in.
    Keith - Administrator

  18. #18
    Member janice's Avatar
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    I totally agree with you Keith........ You will feel safe whenever you are with your gf/fiancee. Don't worry too much, Neil. You might get nervous breakdown before you can meet your wife to be. Hahaha
    Well, trust your gf/fiancee to be, she wont take you somewhere very dangerous, Of course! Hehehe. Good luck, Neil!

    Peace everyone! More Power to this site! God bless!

  19. #19
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    The girl i am i regular contact with and she is very very nice,, is from General Santos city,,,,do you think i will live when i go there???


  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by jakeob View Post
    The girl i am i regular contact with and she is very very nice,, is from General Santos city,,,,do you think i will live when i go there???

    just dont eat too many dried fish with coca cola.

    Seriously, you must see your girl, meet her family, see how they are, then you will see for yourself.

    maybe they are nice people, they will take care of you while in the area, more protective than you could imagine and voila, all things will be decided to be or not to be with your girl.

    cross the bridge first, then you will see if you fall or not.

  21. #21
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    General Santos!!!!! it's gensanbritish city..SO try to PM her..she knows everything
    Scot ===>

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  22. #22
    Respected Member russ01539's Avatar
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    If she is from Jolo then you need to start feeling concerned Neil. Generally your GF will know where to take you and when and will take care of your security, you are afterall on her home patch. Thats not to say that you could get kidnapped etc ANYWHERE in Philippines.

    First time I went 2 Americans were kidnapped by the Communists, and that was on Mt Pinatubo, near Angeles City (North of Manilla). The best looking girls are of course from MIndanao though, so take and risk and get some excitment in your life. As Keith says, your more likely to get mugged by some hoodies on your way back from the Kebab shop after a night out in UK.

  23. #23
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    You can't directly compare Davao with the rest of Mindanao. Davao has the rule of a very strict mayor. So in terms of general street crime is very safe.

    In my opinion, safer than Manila and Makati.

    As for the rest of Mindanao, I'd call you a fool to go into the Muslim seperatist region. Cagayan de Oreo (north) is not as safe (or developed) as Davao.

    Of course developed areas (Malls, Airports, Trains) attract terrorists, but thats the same all over the world. You take your chances with everyone else.

  24. #24
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    I think we have to accept that there is an element of danger everywhere in the Philippines but its wrong to let fear stop you from going and if Westerners stop going then the terrorists win

  25. #25
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    realistically... for every person killed by a terrorist ( 9/11, 7/7, Madrid etc) there are likely 1,000 people killed in car accidents. And I dare say 1,000,000 'petty crimes' bag/wallet stolen etc.

    you need to put things into perspective.

  26. #26
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako
    realistically... for every person killed by a terrorist ( 9/11, 7/7, Madrid etc) there are likely 1,000 people killed in car accidents. And I dare say 1,000,000 'petty crimes' bag/wallet stolen etc.

    you need to put things into perspective.
    Very true, you are more likely even to get killed on the roads than by terrorists in the Philippines!!!

  27. #27
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    So the odds of being killed by a speeding car carrying a suicide bomber on the way to his target are.........
    Keith - Administrator

  28. #28
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    Thanks for the advice,,, i will just make sure i leave my (Will) with my solicitor before i go,, so mindanao has the best looking girls,, ahh i will look ot for that one,,,,,


  29. #29
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    I just came back from Tagum city near davao, and at first I felt a bit un-easy. It was if the locals had not seen a westerner before. But after a while I got used to it and felt more at ease. Just take the usual precautions such as not carry too much money etc IMO.

  30. #30
    gingxrick's Avatar
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    Seriously Jakeob I've been to the Philippines 4 times in the last 12 months and never had any trouble what so ever, each time I've stayed between 3 to 6 weeks, I got married in Cagayan De Oro, I've also traveled all around the area and futher on to Gingook City and I found it very fascinating, so good luck on your travels.

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