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Thread: Does your sponsor have savings, property or other income ex. from stocks or shares?

  1. #1
    Respected Member ANDRES25's Avatar
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    Does your sponsor have savings, property or other income ex. from stocks or shares?

    Does your sponsor have savings, property or other income ex. from stocks or shares?

    I 'm just a little confused about this question I hope someone would help me answer this. My husband doesn't have any property left because of his divorce but he has a little bit of savings worth 3,500 pounds so I answered YES and i also added there that he's got a pesonal pension. Do i have to mention about the pension or not? Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
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    I didn't mention my pension, because most people would have a pension. It is worth mentioning if it has matured or due to mature. But, remember the old adage - better to provide too much information than not enough.

  3. #3
    Respected Member ANDRES25's Avatar
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    Thanks ADY!

  4. #4
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    there is two types of pension though one from the government when a man on his 65 and woman on her 60`s and the other from your job.My husband got redundant a long while ago as an electrician from a coalliary and decided not to find another job and by that he recieves his pension.
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  5. #5
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    Yes, any British national is entitled to a State Pension when they reach retirement age. But, most have a private pension as well.

    For the purposes of the application, I would include it because it is not harmful to include too much information.

    However, I read the question as - does your sponsor have savings (yes, £3500 in your case). Does he have shares? Does he have property? Does he have another source of income - the pension is only really relevant if he is receiving it now because he is retired. That is my opinion.

    But, for your ease of mind, include it. Look at it this way

    1) You include it. The ECO acknowledges it, and it helps your application.
    2) You include it. The ECO has no interest, it doesn't harm your application.
    3) You don't include it. The ECO would like to see more evidence of savings, and this would have helped. It has an adverse effect on your application.
    4) You don't include it. The ECO has no interest. It doesn't harm your application.

    They are the four courses I guess. So, looking at it simply, best to include it.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ady View Post

    So, looking at it simply, best to include it.
    Yes ,but also mention that pension is from his old job,whether or not interested from the ECO,it helps for they thought that u wouldn't need to recourse to public funds...besides the more info u gave them the more factor u obtain a visa,
    Lastly, Best of luck dear,

  7. #7
    Respected Member ANDRES25's Avatar
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    Thank you so much Ady, that's very enlightening. Thanks too Mrs. J Major.

  8. #8
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRS. O'farrell View Post
    Do i have to mention about the pension or not?
    If he is getting it in cash NOW - YES
    Otherwise -NO
    Keith - Administrator

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