"sufficient evidence that we are married" What is that? stony silences? Argueing about whats on TV, argueing about using all the toilet paper? Or maybe dinners in the dog. Love to see what evidence of that is.
I was reading Air Babylon (good book about what goes on in airlines and the staff involved) last night. My god an arab shiek on his way to Dubai goes First Class with his 2 wifes and alot of a** kissing had to be done. The 2 wifes never spoke much English except for a few words Gucci, and Prada and Johnny Walker Blue. I would recommend that book. great laugh!
do i have to elaborate
evidence as follows :
1.Joint account
2.Council tax Bills both on our names
3.Gas and Electric Bills on our names
4.water Bills on both our names
5.letters with both our names
Does that make sense
to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...
"sufficient evidence that we are married" What is that? stony silences? Argueing about whats on TV, argueing about using all the toilet paper? Or maybe dinners in the dog. Love to see what evidence of that is.
is that ur own experience Gary??
Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy
do i have to elaborate
evidence as follows :
1.Joint account
2.Council tax Bills both on our names
3.Gas and Electric Bills on our names
4.water Bills on both our names
5.letters with both our names
Is that make sense
with all those evidences sis I dont think they will have any reasons to refuse ur application..