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Thread: Hi to all!

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Hi to all!

    Hi all, been reading this am, so you'll be glad to know I've signed up and now is my first post.

    I'll introduce myself a little,

    I'm Richard, and an engineer by profession, designing bits of aircraft is how i live.

    Last year (2003) my best freind of 10 years from uni got engaged to his wife and then married. I had the most amazing time and experiences in Pune, near Mumbai in india, almost 6 weeks in total over my three trips

    My freinds wife is a teaacher and, before heading back to india taught in Mozambique for 2 years.

    She introduced me to the most amazing lady a man could hope to meet, 'cel would be giggling her socks off reading this but I don't care who knows.

    'Cel has taught there for many years and, over the time we have been talking have become so close its not funny. I went over to Mozambique to meet her and let her freinds inspect me (they have a large group together, all leaving the same school over a period of years to end up teaching in Mozambique. We had been talking daily, for hours and hours for 5 months before I went to Mozambique.

    I had the most amazing time, met the love of my life, and some of the warmest most true people you could ever meet. I had nerves and worries but these dissapeared, and left me the hardest thing to do ever and that was come back. To leave just hurts so so so so much.

    I have persuaded my 'cel to head home this christmas as I want her folks and family to see me. I am looking forward and the days are just not rolling quickenough. but it will roll round soon enough. I'm looking forward to meeting Her ate's, nanay and tatay. have spoken to them and can't wait to see them all!

    So here's to success and a long happy life!

    Richard. aka misterfixit

    Must get on with some work now! ;D

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    N Wales
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    Re: Hi to all!

    Hi. Sorry I never replied sooner, I've been drowning in decorating!! It all started with thw wife wanting new bedroom carpet, and now it seems I've doing everything in the house, even the catalogues are being left open on new furniture now!! :

    Good luck with your future, we all know what it feels like to come home. Great, fantatic, brilliant.....will I be shot for lying ;D

    Pete or resident Mod, will be coming back from the Philippines shortly, so he's not going to be a happy bunny either.

    Still, as soon as you get home it does feel good to be back, and it's not long before planning your next trip.

    Keith & Ping

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  3. #3
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Re: Hi to all!

    Just to let the gang know, Pete is back in the Land of High Gas prices, Tony Blair and Cold Weather, I Landed back in the Mother Country at 0600am this morning after a rather grush flight from Manila, we had an earthquake in Makati City on Friday am which was kind of funny, anyway Pete is off to bed, and after a well earned rest will be back doing his usual job on the Forum, got so me great travel reports and reports on other things of interest after this latest visit "In Country"

    See you all later.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    N Wales
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    Re: Hi to all!

    Hi Pete,

    Bet it feels great to be back ??? :o ;D

    Keith & Ping

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