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Thread: Bad things usually come in "3"s....

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Bad things usually come in "3"s....


    Yesterday at the office I realized that my job wasn't safe at all anymore, so I am looking for something to help pay the bills...

    At 6.45 this morning while getting in the car to take Jet to work, I noticed that some scumbag had smashed one of the rear windows for fun, as nothing was missing from inside.

    But I was not the only one..... The cops that came to take my statement told me that all in all about 12 cars were damaged during the night ....
    The forensic guy that I saw ten minutes ago, said that they already arrested a couple of guys, and he seemed quite sure that he found something to link at least one of them to the crime/s.
    I must admit that my gast was flabbered by the speed with which the cops arrived, something unheard of....
    They must have been sitting outside the front door or something.....

    So now, as the pessimist that I am, I am waiting for something else to go pearshaped.

    The tooth that I had extracted this morning does not enter into this equation as It was planned for a couple of days. But still... At 60 quid a pop is kind of expensive, coupled with the £75 excess on the insurance for the glass replacement, makes it a morning I want to try to forget....

    I am looking really forward to see what kind of punishment will be meted out to the culprit/s, if it ever gets that far....

    So for now I am going to take another couple of painkillers and try not to think about all this.....

    No... Chelsea losing does not count either....

  2. #2
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    My sympathies Dom. Try though to think about the good things in life, like England winning the World Cup in 1966 - and - strawberry jam being freely available without a prescription.


  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post

    No... Chelsea losing does not count either....
    Did they?????
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    My sympathies as well Dom, I know how you feel, I came out to my car today in Bexhill on Sea, would you Adam and EVE IT, I had a flat, typical !, had to take it to a side road, and jack it up, and put on the spare, you know these half wheels, or space saving wheels, hate them.

    Then to top it up, my appointment at the hospital has been cancelled for 11th December, so now its 8th January, then my battery has been playing up, so that has to be sorted, so you know mate, I think sometimes it always does come in 3's its all about living in UK.

    Maybe we should start a blog about living in UK, sometimes it makes you wishes mate...we are with you.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear about your misfortune guys.

    On Monday I had an appointment with the tax office as I wanted to query my tax bill. Unfortunately for me, it became clear during my meeting that my previous employer had only charged me the basic rate of tax during the year and that i now had a bill to pay approaching £20K.

    I arrived home in a state close to delirium which was compounded when my tenant in London called and said that the washing machine had finally packed in and she need a new one. Then an old boss and very close friend called and said he was having to take his daughter out of private school, sell his house, etc etc etc, because his job was being made redundant. His daughter is tipped to represent England in the 2012 olympics as a pentathlete and attends Wellington the top sports school.

    Then, having barely hit 50% of my performance target I found out that three clinical studies of mine have been put on hold meaning that my sales figures have reduced to about 40+ % with 3 weeks to go, hence no sales bonus! I'm praying for some divine intervention here. Still i'm very grateful as some dont even have a job.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  6. #6
    Respected Member jbt's Avatar
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    , tom'w is another day, and one of us may win the jackpot in the lottery.
    "Chains do not hold a marriage together.It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years.That is what makes a marriage last - more than passion or even sex..."

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