watta waste of money travelling every 3 months.I know that you are both happy if you spend your time togerther but sacrifice really is important for both of you.I know its too late now but should either of you thought about this before or even you could tell your beloved before that instead of travelling back and forth every 3 months why not save instead for your future together.I mean once or twice a year would be reasonable enough.I mean in my late 20`s I take care of my money like a middle age woman

I know majority people in U.K suffered with this credit crunch because bank had offered them a quick cash i.e (credit card) and spend a lot of money that they never thought they couldnt afford

I know some of us as well spend on most expensive clothes and handbags but at the end they never really needed it

mojority of us like showing off of the things we have got.I mean whats the purpose.I must admit before when I was a student I like expensive stuff and branded gear that my classmates own and my mum always reminded me that its not good wanting things that is not important at all.now that I could afford those things I feel guilty coz I always thought about how many people needed the money for food and yet here I am buying things that is not important and not making me happy.I am not making a sermon here

just trying to make sense