Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
One that many filpinas could try is dont walk around in t shirt and shorts compliainig its cold in the house where a jumper and long trousers.

While it warms me up seeing the wife walk around in t shirt and shorts the goose bumps put me off

Wrap up before putting the heating up a few degrees and your save mucho mucho money
Hehe I've just bought some of these remote control plugs that enable you to switch the tv off at night instead of leaving it on standby and also you can turn things like lamps or whatever off...these remote controlled plugs are ideal for the elderly, the disabled and fat lazy b**tards like myself!

(they're cheaper on ebay than in the shops by the way...they should pay for themselves with the ££££ you save on electric bills...that's if you remember to use them of course!)

I generally concentrate my efforts on making more money rather than saving money!