Eyes wide shut springs to mind.
Religeon is man made, we know that as it was man who wrote it. However evolution is not designed by man (or woman

), and can be only ignored by those who live in a cocoon.
Whether there is a God or not, whether Dark Energy exists or not can not yet be proven one way or the other, but you don't go worshipping Dark Energy even though people have written 'bibles' about it.
It is only written as a HE because women were persecuted by most cultures in those days, and classed as a lower species, so no way would the guys writing the stories put a woman as the boss. Which part of the bible is written by a woman exactly?
And will these religeous folk make there mind up? Is there a judgement day? Yet they say all are forgiven? Yo what use would a judgement day be then? If I went and murdered everyone on the planet, would I then not be helping them to quicker enlightenment and a better life? And will be praised for it?
I go thorugh life helping others, being nice to folk, kind, understanding, etc. That is what life is all about. If some folk say that is Christian values, fine with me, but it is also Islamic values, and Hindu values. My job on this world is to suffer myself, but help others. I suceed well on both subject, and that is my life done

If after I die, this God of yours decides to turn me away based on the fact I use HIS installed ability to question things, then that is not what said religeon is supposed to be about. So make your mind up!