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Thread: proxy marriage

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    proxy marriage

    human rights what wrong with them going to Brazil and getting married, or Poland ?? the flood gates will open now..

    Last month Senior Immigration Judge David Allen agreed, saying: 'Since . . . Brazilian law recognises proxy marriages, the marriage of the appellant and his wife is indeed valid under English law.'

    utter rubbish, so if Polygamy is recognised in a country, then it should be recognised here then, if not its a breech of their human rights, same for countries where pre-teenagers can marry.

    Marriages taking place under United Kingdom law are not valid if they are by proxy. However, United Kingdom law may in some circumstances consider a proxy marriage to be valid if both of the partners are ‘domiciled’ in a country which recognises marriages by proxy. so not valid in the UK, valid in Brazil, and in Poland only In exceptional cases the law permits marriage by proxy

    so the uk has to recognise a law from aonther country that is not valid in the uk, . are these judges on sunny delight ? . its ok for a foreigner, but not for Brits. now is that not a breech of our human rights ? or did the judge not consider that ?

    well what about the humans rights for the poor Brit who's spouse has to be older than 21, has to prove a relationship, has to have a place for her to live and finances to support her without the recourse to public funds, all these immigration court cases and EU rights is becoming a joke. illegal immigrants, immigrants and Europeans will soon have more rights than British citizens and in some cases they already have.. god save the queen ? god save the British citizen

    weak gov, tell the AIT to , even better scrap them, which in a way they are doing, it will be harder to goto AIT for some cases

    rant over.. and the sooner the Tories get in the better,

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Oh dear
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  4. #4
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    I now this does not apply to a great number, but if proxy marriage is allowed and then they can live in UK, I am sure if I had the funds to go to the European Court that spouses of UK citizen would be allowed at least to visit UK without a visa, especially when those spouses have resident status in Schengen Area.

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