Quote Originally Posted by lara1018 View Post
Haha! I find myself reading road names they have painted on the lanes instead of actually looking up! It is organised chaos, but for someone with a less than clear sense of direction, the whole concept of "i need to go off to the right, so i go around the roundabout and turn left" is just asking too much for me.

I'm sure I'll get it eventually!! Fingers crossed!
This happened to me whilst I was in the passener seat along side a Filipino driver..
Her."Which way now Fred"?
Me."Do a right at the roundabout"
She then litterally turned right on this very large roundabout in North London.
I cant tell you what happened next because its much too scary .
All I can say is that it is just as well I didnt say
"Go straight over the roundabout"
I may well have survived if we were driving a 4X4 high wheel base landrover.(We were not)