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Thread: What`s Your Unforgettable Funny Memories?

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  1. #1
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    What`s Your Unforgettable Funny Memories?

    Its Christmas season, lots of things to do, Christmas shopping , gift wrapping, going to X mas parties, planning your Christmas Eve with the family and etcetera echatera...

    I know most of us here whose on the waiting period, or perhaps like me whose in the preparing all the requirements period, or maybe you are on the waiting for your partner to arrive in the UK.

    Maybe you are already married and living together in the UK or here in the Philippines. What ever circumstances you have now I thought migth be good idea to recall those unforgettable memories you have when you first time meet each other. Im sure you have funny memories that you will never ever forget and everytime you both recall it you both really laugh out loud.

    I remember one of our unforgettable funny moments was when I took my Fiance to a Filipino Restaurant. I ordered some Filipino dishes and Pancit (Fried noodles)
    The food looks yummy he said, the pancit was served with calamansi (local lemon). After all the foods set on the table we then started to eat. Then all of sudden I saw his face turns red and looks funny, he asked me whats that thing that taste bitter and sour....guess what!! He ate the whole calamansi..!!!

    So everytime we go to a restaurant we always remember that funny moments.

  2. #2
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    one of the first funny memmories of the philippines was of my wife to be fanning me in a van keeping me cool with a manual fan (a piece of cardboard) .i thought she may just be having a joke at first.but she was just looking after me. on her birthday i sent her a card with a fan on to remember the time.
    we also remember the first night we shared a bed together in the hotel that night and the huge gap between us in the middle of the bed !she was a bit scared of me.
    the second visit also has some funny moments . we shared our first apartment together and i sampled the ordinary life with her. it had no telly , no bed, no fan and just a single gas cooker that i set alight (very embarresing)
    we had to fetch the water we used and the toilet was a manual flush and shower.
    i thought at first ,why oh why did i not insist on a hotel !
    but after only a couple of days we both agreed that we loved our first apartment we shared together.
    i also remember the first time i saw my wife to be eating rice with her bare hand and she laughed to see the look on my face.
    she said this is the way i usualy eat my rice now we are not in a restuarant.

  3. #3
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    i think the funny one is me and my Brit BF when to Tagaytay and he is desparate for pee but we're too far for a toilet. I convinced him to do the Pinoy way of peeing he has no choice but doing it with a really red face after that he is so embarassed coz a few people looking at him may be they're thinking its not only pinoy way its also foreigners way

  4. #4
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    Yeah, u know tupig ...right from Pangasinan delicacies,when we are on the way to Baguio and i bought some,i told him i like it i give him some and he said "do you eat the banana leaves also"

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    Yeah, u know tupig ...right from Pangasinan delicacies,when we are on the way to Baguio and i bought some,i told him i like it i give him some and he said "do you eat the banana leaves also"

  6. #6
    Respected Member PAT's Avatar
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    I found all your experiences really funny hehehe.....i can't help laughing alone!....thanks for posting... lessen my visible wrinkles hehehe...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by PAT View Post
    I found all your experiences really funny hehehe.....i can't help laughing alone!....thanks for posting... lessen my visible wrinkles hehehe...
    Thats good. as they say laughter is the best medicine. so keep laughing

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by simplelife View Post
    Its Christmas season, lots of things to do, Christmas shopping , gift wrapping, going to X mas parties, planning your Christmas Eve with the family and etcetera echatera...

    I know most of us here whose on the waiting period, or perhaps like me whose in the preparing all the requirements period, or maybe you are on the waiting for your partner to arrive in the UK.

    Maybe you are already married and living together in the UK or here in the Philippines. What ever circumstances you have now I thought migth be good idea to recall those unforgettable memories you have when you first time meet each other. Im sure you have funny memories that you will never ever forget and everytime you both recall it you both really laugh out loud.

    I remember one of our unforgettable funny moments was when I took my Fiance to a Filipino Restaurant. I ordered some Filipino dishes and Pancit (Fried noodles)
    The food looks yummy he said, the pancit was served with calamansi (local lemon). After all the foods set on the table we then started to eat. Then all of sudden I saw his face turns red and looks funny, he asked me whats that thing that taste bitter and sour....guess what!! He ate the whole calamansi..!!!

    So everytime we go to a restaurant we always remember that funny moments.
    My first two funny experience was when I was just newly arrived in the UK. My husband preferred me to stay with my in-laws as he works as Long Distance HGV Driver and goes home only once a month. My Mom in Law is disabled and could'nt walk without her stick. We went to the garden and stayed there for a while. Then Mom said:
    Penny, you can continue reading your emails and just leave me here as I need to feed the birds. I went back home but I didn't realise that I took her stick with me. Then after an hour, I went back to the garden and she said I couldn't go home because you took my stick
    The second one was:
    Our landline rang and I answered the phone. But I was shock because the speaker was ON and loud. I don't know what to press and I saw something that hang beside the phone. I found red button and pressed it. Moments later, our neighbor knocked at the door and asked what's happen to my MOm. And few minutes later, there was another call and asking if my Mom is alright. Mom was laughing and explained to me that I pressed the wrong button and that one is an emergency button to press if ever something was badly happened to her as she used to stay alone in the house. She called my hubby and my hubby was laughing and said, don't press anything you are not sure what it is He also said, there's another thing in the house that if you touch it, it will alarm. It is their vault of he said. Waaaah

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    My first two funny experience was when I was just newly arrived in the UK. My husband preferred me to stay with my in-laws as he works as Long Distance HGV Driver and goes home only once a month. My Mom in Law is disabled and could'nt walk without her stick. We went to the garden and stayed there for a while. Then Mom said:
    Penny, you can continue reading your emails and just leave me here as I need to feed the birds. I went back home but I didn't realise that I took her stick with me. Then after an hour, I went back to the garden and she said I couldn't go home because you took my stick
    The second one was:
    Our landline rang and I answered the phone. But I was shock because the speaker was ON and loud. I don't know what to press and I saw something that hang beside the phone. I found red button and pressed it. Moments later, our neighbor knocked at the door and asked what's happen to my MOm. And few minutes later, there was another call and asking if my Mom is alright. Mom was laughing and explained to me that I pressed the wrong button and that one is an emergency button to press if ever something was badly happened to her as she used to stay alone in the house. She called my hubby and my hubby was laughing and said, don't press anything you are not sure what it is He also said, there's another thing in the house that if you touch it, it will alarm. It is their vault of he said. Waaaah

  10. #10
    Respected Member PAT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    My first two funny experience was when I was just newly arrived in the UK. My husband preferred me to stay with my in-laws as he works as Long Distance HGV Driver and goes home only once a month. My Mom in Law is disabled and could'nt walk without her stick. We went to the garden and stayed there for a while. Then Mom said:
    Penny, you can continue reading your emails and just leave me here as I need to feed the birds. I went back home but I didn't realise that I took her stick with me. Then after an hour, I went back to the garden and she said I couldn't go home because you took my stick
    The second one was:
    Our landline rang and I answered the phone. But I was shock because the speaker was ON and loud. I don't know what to press and I saw something that hang beside the phone. I found red button and pressed it. Moments later, our neighbor knocked at the door and asked what's happen to my MOm. And few minutes later, there was another call and asking if my Mom is alright. Mom was laughing and explained to me that I pressed the wrong button and that one is an emergency button to press if ever something was badly happened to her as she used to stay alone in the house. She called my hubby and my hubby was laughing and said, don't press anything you are not sure what it is He also said, there's another thing in the house that if you touch it, it will alarm. It is their vault of he said. Waaaah


  11. #11
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    I remember in Philippines I said the word "Animal" at the dinner table and they thought I was being rude.. So what does Animal/Enimal mean in tagolog?

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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    I remember in Philippines I said the word "Animal" at the dinner table and they thought I was being rude.. So what does Animal/Enimal mean in tagolog?
    Hayup....................same thing, but i just say that word if i am mad to some one "hayup ka"

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    I remember in Philippines I said the word "Animal" at the dinner table and they thought I was being rude.. So what does Animal/Enimal mean in tagolog?

    Depends how you used the word, for some people its just an expression. For some it is rude.

  14. #14
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simplelife View Post
    Depends how you used the word, for some people its just an expression. For some it is rude.
    Now masturbating at the dinner table would be rude....and then bringing an animal into it.....
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #15
    Respected Member ANDRES25's Avatar
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    So Funny stories ha ha!thanks for sharing!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRS. O'farrell View Post
    So Funny stories ha ha!thanks for sharing!
    yess all funny waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh
    Mine,was when I first time saw my BF on the webcam, he looked like a ghost

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toyang View Post
    yess all funny waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh
    Mine,was when I first time saw my BF on the webcam, he looked like a ghost
    Are you sure Toyang that you were looking at your PC`s monitor and not to the mirror?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by simplelife View Post
    Are you sure Toyang that you were looking at your PC`s monitor and not to the mirror?

  19. #19
    Respected Member gemini63's Avatar
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    Our funny experience is when my fiancee first visit to my farm house..I told him,its our culture and belief that if somebody new to that place have to kiss the big stone there.So he kissed the stone, then he wonders why people surround him all laughing...I explained to him why, thats its just a usual joke sometimes just for a laugh, but i ask forgiveness after that...

  20. #20
    Respected Member gemini63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simplelife View Post
    Are you sure Toyang that you were looking at your PC`s monitor and not to the mirror?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by simplelife View Post
    Are you sure Toyang that you were looking at your PC`s monitor and not to the mirror?

    we have no more mirror here anymore, so I do not attempt to have a look to break more mirror.

  22. #22
    Respected Member gemini63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toyang View Post

    we have no more mirror here anymore, so I do not attempt to have a look to break more mirror.
    He,,he,,he,,bilib ako sa humour mo na iyan...

  23. #23
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    my funny moments was when we go to the beach, i never thought that beaches here are ice cold even in the summer days, i was wearing two-piece swimsuit but cant go swimming because its too cold. hihihihi

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharon View Post
    my funny moments was when we go to the beach, i never thought that beaches here are ice cold even in the summer days, i was wearing two-piece swimsuit but cant go swimming because its too cold. hihihihi
    well at least you dressed in season. It was summer as you said, people will think something wrong if you go to the beach on two-piece in winter days.

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