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Thread: early christmas...

  1. #1
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    early christmas...

    hiya! everyone! i'm eda from Quezon City, I have been a regular visitor on this forum for the past 2 months now, getting insights on the visa thing,
    It's just a wonderful feeling when i finally got my visa (fiancee).. in just 9 days, no fuss, no interview.. i got my visa just last thursday (3rd november) and it feels like early Christmas for us. I'd like to congratulate everyone who got their visa too and for those who are still waiting, goodluck! your time will come soon..

  2. #2
    Respected Member Chrisirene's Avatar
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    WOW...Im happy for you.....GRATZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

  3. #3
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Congrats on getting your fiancee visa ? well its full steam ahead to UK, I mean who could resist all this:

    Pi.... cold weather, freezing slushy streets, black ice, arctic winter, alarmingly rising council tax bills for 2007, the thought police, inflationary fuel duty, rising utility bills, political correctness gone mad, out of control housing market, chip and bin garbage disposal, re-cycling looney mad councils, and the nanny state lead by that pathalogical bliar.....

    Yes I can see your well looking forward to coming to the Mother of all democracies, the only place in the world, where you can be logged on the eye in the sky over 300 times in one day...

    The United Kingdom awaits your arrival with trepidation and a right Royal British welcome, hey I know what youre thinking ? who could miss all this ?

    Come on down...Eda, come and get your better life, your coming in, 500 Brits are leaving every day for a better life.....but as you have said, it feels like Christmas .... happy christmas Eda, welcome to UK, ...go on I will wish you well, whilst secretly planning my exit from a country that I no longer call home.

    Hey its not that bad really ?? you will be ok, your life will be better, you will be with the one you love, thats worth something, its a chance to see the emerald city at the edge of the rainbow, dont mind us, when you have seen the changes that we have seen or last 25 years, you get like this sometimes, dont mind me, I am just ranting, watching my beloved country spiral downwards, hijacked by the thought police, telling us what we can think, and what we can do, I dont want to spoil your christmas cheer, its great news girl, you got your visa, thats nice ! well done, you did things the right way, congrats, dont mind me ranting.....Im just fed up ok.

    Back in the 80's this country used to mean something to me, but they that is the guardianista's have changed all that, now I no longer know what it is to be British, when people ask me where I am from, I just say " I hold a British travel document" and am resident in the UK, they are the ones who have hijacked our culture, they are the ones that know...the enemy within...these days when I travel the tube (London underground) i end up looking at every single person who is a passenger, looking at what they are carrying, it should not be like that, but it no no one..look after number 1, that is your key to survival...if you ask me what it is to be British, I can't tell you..our identity has slid away, we are fighting every day of our lives against the thought police, the politically correct brigade, when you come here girl, work for number 1 that is yourself, work to send money for your family, dont let anyone tell you, this is the land of honey and milk, dont beleive the cash flashers and the wealth braggers, life is hard here also sometimes, money does not fall off trees, life in UK can be very easy or it can be very hard, just when you think you have a break from the multitudes of taxes and bills, then it hits you again, more taxes, more bills, legislation and laws have increased by 3000 since this lot came to power, the Nanny state is ever on the increase, civil liberty and self sufficiency have all but been eroded by the guardianistas, our National Health Service, staffed by thousands of Filipino Nurses, ( I am proud of them) has been eroded from once the envy of the world, now it costs £15.00 to change a light bulb, is financially bankrupt, our road systems clogged up with millions of extra cars, our road taxes instead of being used to build new trunk routes is put back into the coffers of an uncaring chancellor, simply to be dumped into a huge gaping black hole.

    Oh well, Im off out to work today, do you know Eda its Saturday, this is a time when my wife and I go out shopping and have lunch, I cant do that today, I live in Blairs Britain, so I owe I owe its off to work I go....council tax has gone up 100 per cent, so I have to try and make some more money today, just to pay council tax, it is now P20,000 a month, do you want some of that problem..come on down...come and meet Blair and Brown....

    Hey...who could miss out on all this !!!

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Thanks Pete.....I now need to call the Samaritans.....
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
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    Thanks Chrisirene and thanks Pete for that alarming introduction, don’t worry it will not spoil my Christmas.. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind paying for high council tax as long as I know it will not be wasted. I know Britain is a relatively expensive place to live with London being one of the most expensive cities in Europe but I hope it is proportionately better than elsewhere although it’s difficult to make direct comparison between the cost of living in different countries. The amount of what we pay for living is already astronomical and has gone up well above inflation every year for as long as I can remember and it is an international issue. Even here, you can’t find a Filipino who can say he’s contented with the way things are going in his own country. I live in reality and we should all do, but I believe there is a lot more to see and to learn and you are right when you’re there, work hard.. save a lot (if you can) and find a nice place to live. (if you’re lucky..) and love your family.

  6. #6
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Honestly, I wouldn’t mind paying for high council tax as long as I know it will not be wasted.

  7. #7
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eda View Post
    Thanks Chrisirene and thanks Pete for that alarming introduction, don’t worry it will not spoil my Christmas.. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind paying for high council tax as long as I know it will not be wasted. I know Britain is a relatively expensive place to live with London being one of the most expensive cities in Europe but I hope it is proportionately better than elsewhere although it’s difficult to make direct comparison between the cost of living in different countries. The amount of what we pay for living is already astronomical and has gone up well above inflation every year for as long as I can remember and it is an international issue. Even here, you can’t find a Filipino who can say he’s contented with the way things are going in his own country. I live in reality and we should all do, but I believe there is a lot more to see and to learn and you are right when you’re there, work hard.. save a lot (if you can) and find a nice place to live. (if you’re lucky..) and love your family.
    Highwayman Brown awaits you Eda ?? hmmmmmmmmmm he will love you very much !!!

  8. #8
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    Highwayman Brown

    Modern day Dick Turpin.

    Pete you are not on your own. I had 2 days off since Octber 6th... But I can see that a few days on the sick are in order, just to recharge the batteries.

    Congratulations eda, you made it.
    Soon you will be in the Uk, with your loved one, it wont be easy at first, but as you start settling down, everything will sort itself out.

  9. #9
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post

    these days when I travel the tube (London underground) i end up looking at every single person who is a passenger, looking at what they are carrying, it should not be like that, but it no no one..look after number 1, that is your key to survival...!
    I have exactly the same feeling as you Pete with regards to this underground tube, I end up looking other persons faces and there was a curiousity of what they were carrying. Can't blame ourselves if we think like this but man whoever forget those terror attacks.
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Erve have some fun.....put on a Burkah (spelling!!).....get a rucksack, and travel on the tube for a day, I bet you'll find a seat no problem any time of the day
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Honestly, I wouldn’t mind paying for high council tax as long as I know it will not be wasted.

    LOL..its a funny joke, great

    For me, I dont mind the cold weather for a reason that I still can get warm..wear sensible clothes and put the heating on, without thinking the energy I consumed because thats another
    Bills, bills don't think too much about it because its just doing our head in. Mortgage bills, council tax bills, phone bills, energy bills, and more bills and credit cards don't forget about ebay..lols,,its nice isn't it?
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  12. #12
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Just do what about 30% of folk do in the UK.....don't pay anything...then declare yourself bankrupt
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #13
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Erve have some fun.....put on a Burkah (spelling!!).....get a rucksack, and travel on the tube for a day, I bet you'll find a seat no problem any time of the day
    Excellent suggestion!!
    Do you think it would work at the Philippine embassy?

  14. #14
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Hmmm being a ninja its not one of my dream..lols
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  15. #15
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Just do what about 30% of folk do in the UK.....don't pay anything...then declare yourself bankrupt
    Yeah, and expect someone knocking at the door and hand you a penalty bills of not paying anything or else you'll end up being in jail.
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  16. #16
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    peter......we all know there are probs in the uk as there are probs in every country and community but this not the time or place to air you personal hangups....

    Eda has just recieved some of the best news ever ...... do you get some kinda kick in bringing her down? you're an idiot and not worthy of being moderator on such a useful site.

  17. #17
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    If you speak to my Moderator like that again your worthless soul will no longer be on the forum. Pete has done more than you will ever do to help people, and as this is a freedom of speech forum we can say what we like, apart from personanl attacks, libel, copyright, etc.
    Keith - Administrator

  18. #18
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Pete.. Im telling you mate,you need to chill out a little before you give yourself a coronary!!
    However,I know exactly how you feel .
    These Government backed money generating schemes aimed at sponging even more money from honest hardworking easy targets like us are enough to make the blood boil,but you just can`t let it!!
    I am fortunate as I am self employed and earn cash..
    I have found that the best way for me to avoid blowing a fuse is to deduct any amount that I feel is unfair from my tax return..
    I have always done this simply by only declaring what I feel is due..
    It may not be right or fair but let me tell you this..I sleep very well at night!!
    Unfortunately my wife does not as apparently I snore like a pig!!

  19. #19
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eda View Post
    hiya! everyone! i'm eda from Quezon City, I have been a regular visitor on this forum for the past 2 months now, getting insights on the visa thing,
    It's just a wonderful feeling when i finally got my visa (fiancee).. in just 9 days, no fuss, no interview.. i got my visa just last thursday (3rd november) and it feels like early Christmas for us. I'd like to congratulate everyone who got their visa too and for those who are still waiting, goodluck! your time will come soon..
    Hello Eda, its good for you to have a fiancee visa without an interview..well done to both of you. Welcome to the UK soon, its not too bad in here really just like any other countries have got their own flaws. But nevermind, just enjoy and have some must go on
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  20. #20
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    I'm gay and a plonker!!

  21. #21
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Congratulations Eda im happy for both of you! Wish all the best and a happy life to your future hubby.

    Btw you can PM anytime it will be nice talking to you guys, for sure
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  22. #22
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    please people....

    give love on christmas day....

  23. #23
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeand2006 View Post
    peter......we all know there are probs in the uk as there are probs in every country and community but this not the time or place to air you personal hangups....

    Eda has just recieved some of the best news ever ...... do you get some kinda kick in bringing her down? you're an idiot and not worthy of being moderator on such a useful site.
    jeand2006, oh by the way what is your name ? its hard to decypher from your anagram style log in Id...

    There are problems in this country, yes thats true, you are entitled to your opinion of you think I am an idiot, then of course youre entitled to lable me as such, but as Keith says, we dont really approve of personal attacks on members at our forum, Its my style to down play any suggestion that life in the UK is a bed of roses, I am known for telling it as it is, that does not always go down well with other people, but as you are just as much entitled to call me an idiot, I am entitled to give my opinion of my country, I was born here, I served in the British Army for 9 years, I have worked every single day of my life in the economy without asking the state to help me in any way, I have contributed to the betterment of others whenever I get the chance of it, I have had to watch my beloved Great Britain go down and down, and to in opinion, has got worse and worse, I comment about these things on this forum, because I CARE ! with regards to Eda, I made the assumption that she is an intelligent person, and therefore, would understand the thrust of my argument, I am of course extremely happy for her that she has got her entry clearance visa, it is of course fantastic news, I get e mails everyday and guestbook entries in my website guestbook thanking me for the knowledge and help they have received in obtaining a UK Visa, I have over 150 success strories, I get over 100 direct hits per day from interested visa enquiries, I enter into e mail correspondence with people from Philippines who have the most difficult personal situations to overcome, that are never mentioned in this forum, I also maintain the website maintenance on a daily basis and send out e mail newsletters on UK Immigration to 250 people per month on my e mail list, I also moderate on this forum as and when I get the chance of it, I also run my own design business for elderly and retired clients who have difficulty showering, in the middle of all that, I also take time to look at things in our country that could be changed and could be better, as Keith says, " This forum is about personal expression" we do not allow personal attacks on individuals, but its nice to have the occasional rant, and this forum is a 100 per cent "FREE" change to air those rants ? I ranted ! that is true, but I say things that we all think, I wish Eda very good luck in the UK, and am happy about her news, I am sorry you felt it necessary to lable me an idiot ? but as I have said, you are entitled to your opinion.

    best wishes to you jeand2006 !

    Its a free country ! well almost !

  24. #24
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeand2006 View Post
    yeah keith .....thanks for that ... looks like you too have some kinda problem.....

    do u really think that peters reply to eda was justified under the curcumstances ?

    was that the right time for him to air his opinions ?

    also ... after his lengthy reply to MY FIANCEE why should i not reply on this FREEDOM of speech site.....with my reaction...huh?

    back to you....keith why is my soul worthless? neither my partner nor I have written anything to offend anyone but you and you pal have now offended both of us ...... why is that ?

    Well now you have tipped your hand ! telling us its your fiancee, no wonder you felt offended, whats your problem ? are you scared that I am telling your fiancee how it really is ? or did you tell her, her Ferrari is waiting at Heathrow airport ? well maybe I should tell her to ensure she gets a good baon when she arrived just like all the other WAGS that arrive from Manila...

    I tell things as it is, and dont attack members of this forum, you have attacked me on this forum, then you have attacked our administrator who started this forum over 5 years ago, you are entitled to your opinion about abstract matters, but you must refrain from flippant remarks about members, whether they be moderators, or Administrators or other members, I can tell you know jeand2006, its not liked !, you have no reason to attack me or Keith, you dont know anything about us, and I wasnt aware my political ranting was offensive to you or your fiancee, I was having a little fun perhaps, welcoming your fiancee to UK, you should have spent some time telling her the realities of life here, she did not seem too offended when she replied !, are you embarassed about something ?

    Go with the flow and have a laugh, sometimes the forum needs that, best wishes, and by the way, I still am off out to work I still owe the council tax, or dont you pay any ?

  25. #25
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Pete.. Im telling you mate,you need to chill out a little before you give yourself a coronary!!
    However,I know exactly how you feel .
    These Government backed money generating schemes aimed at sponging even more money from honest hardworking easy targets like us are enough to make the blood boil,but you just can`t let it!!
    I am fortunate as I am self employed and earn cash..
    I have found that the best way for me to avoid blowing a fuse is to deduct any amount that I feel is unfair from my tax return..
    I have always done this simply by only declaring what I feel is due..
    It may not be right or fair but let me tell you this..I sleep very well at night!!
    Unfortunately my wife does not as apparently I snore like a pig!!
    Thanks Fred for the advices, I think youre right, I do need to chill out a bit, its just that sometimes I see red, do you know what I mean, yeah youre probably right me old mucker, maybe I should not care too much, I do the same on my tax return, deduct amounts for things I have to spend money on, its not really about that, its how I see the values we all shared in the 80's just slipping away, cant fly the Union Jack at your house, as its ....offensive, to a.n. know the drill, its this politically correct bridgade I find hard to come to terms with, but as you have said, I should chill out eh ?

    Best way to chill out : Truckers breakfast at the blinking owl cafe !! and a paper, nice piping hot cup of trea and 2 slices, what do you think Fred ?

  26. #26
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Pete, I must admit that your reply to the OP is too far from what the topic was all about. Its a bit gruesome than what she expected for you to say because she was ecstatic and full of excitement of having the goodnews and soon she will be reunited with her partner but no, instead you were ranting about the dirty UK, the crimes and mountains of bills. But, then everybody has a freedom of speech but considering that this forum has a rant section where we can scream all of our heartaches, worries and disappoinments.

    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  27. #27
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ervenescence View Post
    But, then everybody has a freedom of speech but considering that this forum has a rant section where we can scream all of our heartaches, worries and disappoinments.

    Lets forget about the bills and taxes for awhile. Chill out
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  28. #28
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ervenescence View Post
    Pete, I must admit that your reply to the OP is too far from what the topic was all about. Its a bit gruesome than what she expected for you to say because she was ecstatic and full of excitement of having the goodnews and soon she will be reunited with her partner but no, instead you were ranting about the dirty UK, the crimes and mountains of bills. But, then everybody has a freedom of speech but considering that this forum has a rant section where we can scream all of our heartaches, worries and disappoinments.

    Yes youre right ! but lets not make a drama out of a crisis, or a mountain out of a mole hill di ba ? I dont think really the lady concerned was too bothered, she seemed to laugh it off, ( was I controversial ?) oooops sorry eda, but I think the BF was more upset, wonder what he told her about life in UK, hehehehehehe, thanks for the advice ervenescene, hey girl make sure he gives you a good BAON !!!!!!

  29. #29
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Personally I think Petes first reply was much more valuable to Eda than the average "Congratulations".."Im so happy for you,blah blah" type of post..

    Now,Eda has some REAL information and opinion without the usual rose tinted filter attached.
    She can now digest this info and arrive in the U.K with both sides of the story to depend on..
    I also noticed that her reply indicated that NO offence was taken,so what exactly is the problem?

    Best way to chill out : Truckers breakfast at the blinking owl cafe !! and a paper, nice piping hot cup of tea and 2 slices, what do you think Fred ?
    Sounds like my cup of tea Pete,but try it without the newspaper..
    These journalists are being paid to wind you up.

  30. #30
    Respected Member Chrisirene's Avatar
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    GUYS GUYS......

    Christmas is Comming need to have a WARM HEARTH ...NOT.....HOT HEARTH

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