People wish to have jobs, if you work in the Uk your working in a ecomony whatever spin they put on it that is shrinking.
Employing more people in the civll services and councils will not do much to help the balance of trade which wheter your a household or a country you need to have more money coming in than flowing out.
The only organsations which seem to have in great numbers people on flexible hours and low hours aweek seem to be in public sector. Funny how they all want wage increases, less hours and there amazing pensions.
Yet think the private sector which brings in the money into the system from outside of it via tax. Which works to far less decent overall packages should work as they do. But dont seem to comprhend the companies they work for would be uncompetive and therefore close, contract or move abroad and then if we relied on the public sectors taxs to pay both their wages and all the services plus all the imported goods and services we would very quickly see that its a flawed plan.
Although your ideals are excellent and I would like to see them happen I feel as well as good the minimum wage has pegged wages in jobs where before some got paid less and others have had their wages dropped to that level.
When I was with my Wife looking at the job market a few years back i was shock how wages in jobs were so low everything was minimum wage very few were any higher if they were higher it was minimal.
I worked in a supermarket as a student in the 90's and after a few years i was earning just over a fiver ten years later people were earning not a lot more yet the avg salaried wage had gone up a great deal.
Some people work seasonal and in demand based jobs. Where some weeks they will work more hours than 48 and others far less.
Some people are pushed by employers and you need rules but there has to be flexibilty.
How do you want to count the 48 hours. Most evenings and weekends I work at home, emails, reading, developing ideas and reviewing past work. Why because I know to get anywhere in this highly competive world thats what needed. My wife also studies for her present career and further skills. We both have and will attend evening courses. When I have taken exams at the local prometric centre on a sunday or an evening many of the people taking exams ae rushing off to their second jobs or study again. Many are people who have recently arrived in the Uk. Would they only work for 48 hours a week. They say no I want to improve.
Any extra pressure on companies and red tape really is not going to be a good idea. If wage costs rise the news might as well be dedicated to closing and the transfer of jobs abroad.
We all need to get used to lower wages due to the huge increase in competion as the job market has expanded to almost the entire working population of the world.
Do i like it no, but thats the price of a Global market and trying to give equal access to all.