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Thread: First post - advice please

  1. #1
    Respected Member SteveL's Avatar
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    First post - advice please

    Hello everyone
    My first post because i've just found this place. Hello !!!
    I am visiting my girlfriend for the first time in January, she lives in Dipolog and we've met on an internet site a little over 3 months ago.
    All my friends think i'm as mad as a hatter for liking Rebella but I dont care, she's georgious, funny, georgious, inteligent, georgious and everything i've ever heard off about a Filipina. Oh, and did I mention she'd georgious? hehehe
    I have read about the present bringing scenario, but I dont know what to get her mother, any suggestions ? I've asked Rebella but she just says it's upto me. Father was easy, bottle of whiskey.
    Thanks all

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteveL View Post
    Hello everyone
    My first post because i've just found this place. Hello !!!
    I am visiting my girlfriend for the first time in January, she lives in Dipolog and we've met on an internet site a little over 3 months ago.
    All my friends think i'm as mad as a hatter for liking Rebella but I dont care, she's georgious, funny, georgious, inteligent, georgious and everything i've ever heard off about a Filipina. Oh, and did I mention she'd georgious? hehehe
    I have read about the present bringing scenario, but I dont know what to get her mother, any suggestions ? I've asked Rebella but she just says it's upto me. Father was easy, bottle of whiskey.
    Thanks all
    Get some decent chocolate, tons of.........

    And don't forget the imodium for yourself..... Better safe than sorry....

  3. #3
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    My wife was the same, always said its up to me. I agree that you cant go wrong with chocolates or most food products.

    Enjoy your first visit there, my wife is near to where your girlfriend is, she is in Dapitan.

  4. #4
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    You'll have a great time out there pal I tell ya! (You'll most probably be paying for everything but..) Filipino's have a reputation for being warm and friendly and it's no word of a lie! You will find they are very accomadating might get shocked at the amount of people that want to come and meet you, Filipino's are a sociable bunch..what you said about your girlfriend reminded me how lucky I am to be married to a Filipina!

    If you go to one of these Karaoke/Videoke thingys they will probably expect you to sing! And some of them Filipino dishes are yummy scrummy yummy! There might be a couple of dishes that your not keen on eating..balut..pork mask..Filipino's seem to be very proud of their food so perhaps don't say no in an insulting way..

    But you'll be fine! You'll have a great time!

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  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteveL View Post
    Hello everyone
    My first post because i've just found this place. Hello !!!
    I am visiting my girlfriend for the first time in January, she lives in Dipolog and we've met on an internet site a little over 3 months ago.
    All my friends think i'm as mad as a hatter for liking Rebella but I dont care, she's georgious, funny, georgious, inteligent, georgious and everything i've ever heard off about a Filipina. Oh, and did I mention she'd georgious? hehehe
    I have read about the present bringing scenario, but I dont know what to get her mother, any suggestions ? I've asked Rebella but she just says it's upto me. Father was easy, bottle of whiskey.
    Thanks all
    good another manc to take on the scousers, welsh and southerners

    depends on how much you want to spend, like other have already said, chocolates, or maybe even liqueurs, a watch, handbag, jewellery

  6. #6
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    The whisky is actually not such a good idea. It's quality is unlikely to be appreciated and if you buy in the UK will be mega expensive. I bought on my first trip and it was drunk by Papa and his mates within 30 mins. They are used to very cheap rum so it's pretty much a waste of money. Give him the equivilent in pesos and he can get drunk for a month. Better to buy something small and personal, like a watch for him and a piece of jewellery for mama. My wife used to load our cases with chocolate until the over weight charges got stupid. Best to buy in the Phil. Be ready though for the extended family looking for gifts, help, investments and inclusion in every trip and celebration.

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    My wife used to load our cases with chocolate until the over weight charges got stupid. Best to buy in the Phil. Be ready though for the extended family looking for gifts, help, investments and inclusion in every trip and celebration.
    i had never seen a 'box' of cadburys roses, which had only like 4 or 5 sweets in it, til i went to the phils and it was very expensive

    i'm sure the cost of a tin of roses in the phils, everyone could get drunk for a month

    yes tell her family you've no money. because some on here who have been pestered by the extended family for business ideas, this and that, you could well end up with none

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    good another manc to take on the scousers, welsh and southerners
    I almost say that words Joe,

    Welcome Steve

  9. #9
    Respected Member PAT's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard steveL...!

  10. #10
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    Hi SteveL,

    Welcome to the Forum.

    I remember when my Fiance ask me what he can bring for my parents, I suggest him a jar of Raspberry jam and a pack of minced pie...hehehe it wont cost him much, but my parents appreciate it and they said that he is so thoughtful.

    I guess, it depends on your GF`s family also depends on what your girlfriend says to her family about you. If of course she told them that you are rich and generous then of course they might expect some expensive presents.

    Btw, Its cheaper to get a bottle of whisky from the Duty Free Shops in NAIA.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Ana_may365's Avatar
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    Hiya!Steve,welcome here to the forum

  12. #12
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    You're obviously better prepared than I was! Of course I brought Ruby a present but hadn't thought about bringing anything for the rest of the family. Luckily, I did bring substantial quantities of chocolate.

    I'm sure that Rebella will take good care of you but just be aware that the Zamboanga peninsula has a strong muslim presence and, in these troubled times, the MILF are fairly active. However, having said that, the war is being waged further east - around Cotobato.

    You'll enjoy the admiring looks from all the pretty Filipinas - but don't get caught noticing, or worse still, returning the smiles. If you do, you will experience a 'Tampo'!

    Have a great time. Just a little over six months after my first visit I had sold up in the UK and moved to Phils!

  13. #13
    Respected Member SteveL's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone!
    I have an advantage, in that a friend of a friend is engaged to a Filipina from the same city, so i have had a few pointers. That being said, he also taught me a very rude word and didnt tell me it was rude, so as you can imagine, i was internet slapped for 2 days. Swine, revenge will be mine hehehehe.
    Seriously, thanks for the advice. This will be our first meeting and i dont know who is more nervous, Rebella or myself. She's already had several wobblers at me (why do you like me, i'm ugly etc) so at least i know it's not just me with butterflys. As for her family, my motto is over impress rather than under, after all, if this thing of ours is to work i need their blessing. Just dont know how to tell them i dont like sucking pig hehehe.

  14. #14
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    I wouldn't go over the top, or they will always expect expensive pressies.
    I'd go with the chocolate option...Maybe I'm just kuripot?

  15. #15
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    I wouldn't go over the top, or they will always expect expensive pressies.
    I'd go with the chocolate option...Maybe I'm just kuripot?
    And lots more besides if the get to thinking your made of money!

  16. #16
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteveL View Post
    why do you like me, i'm ugly etc
    This seems to be typical filipina. Of course, a dark (in their words, black) skin is ugly to them, whereas we 'whities' love a dark skin.

    With regards the gifts, I go along with other comments - don't go over the top. If the parents need expensive gifts in order to 'accept' you, then you have to wonder what their motives are! If they really care for their daughter, it will be enough for them that you can make her happy.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteveL View Post
    ....I dont know what to get her mother, any suggestions ?
    I took my gf (then fiancee, then wife) and her mother and sister some perfume.
    Perfume can be bought at very good prices these days if you shop around.
    They were all happy to receive these bottles

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